Reading Bernard Goldberg's New Book "Bias" Right Now! Some analysis


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
First off, I'm not very far into it, about 50 pages, and I have to say, this is a book that you guys really should read. It mostly talked about CBS news, but there's some stuff about ABC and NBC as well. This book names names and doesn't pull any punches, and is almost shocking to read. My favorite part so far is when he mentioned that during the impeachment trial of Clinton, when all the senators were swearing the oath, Peter Jennings would call EVERY SINGLE republican "the strongly conservative" or something like that, but for the democrats, he never even once mentioned that the really liberal senators were liberal!

Another good quote "the only time you hear the word "left wing" in the media is when they're talkin about a plane crash." hehe

His basic theme so far, is that to the media elite, almost unanimously, they consider their liberal views to be mainstream and well reasoned, but anyone with a conservative view is a whacko.

This is a great book, and I have NOT done it justice with what I put here. It names names and cites a LOT of specific examples. A MUST READ.