Reading AT FAQs: How do I adjust font size?


Jul 11, 2001
I use a 17" CRT and like to run in 1024 x 768. Most internet sites present their text in such a way that using Netscape 4.73 (my current browser) I can easily increase the font size with a keyboard shortcut (Control + ]). Conversely, if I find that the size is too big, I can decrease the size with Control + [. However, the Anandtech FAQs, are (like a minority of websites) not font-size-changeable in this manner. Therefore, in order to keep from going blind, I'm forced to change my display resolution to 800 x 600. Doable but a pain. Is/are there workaround(s)? Thanks.

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
In IE you can change font specs on a web site by tools->internet options->accessibility->Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages, if you have a similar setting/option on Netscape that should enable you to change the font size using ctrl-[ or ctrol-] in the usual way.

Jason Clark

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Muse, actually style sheets are now the standard, so we are not the "minority.". For people who have difficulties viewing there is the customize area.


Jul 11, 2001

<< In IE you can change font specs on a web site by tools->internet options->accessibility->Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages, if you have a similar setting/option on Netscape that should enable you to change the font size using ctrl-[ or ctrol-] in the usual way. >>

As I say, at most websites the Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ do work. Not in AT FAQs, for me. Of course, this is using Netscape.


Jul 11, 2001

<< Muse, actually style sheets are now the standard, so we are not the "minority.". For people who have difficulties viewing there is the customize area. >>

I have used the "customize" area (is this what you mean when you click "customize" when you see:

customize|profile|search|today|help|faq|home|logout ??

This has enabled me to increase the font size in my AT forums, which WAS giving me fits a while back [The only customization I have made is this: font size = 16px]. However, I don't see this capability when reading the FAQs. Is there a way? How, precisely? Thanks.

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000


<< In IE you can change font specs on a web site by tools->internet options->accessibility->Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages, if you have a similar setting/option on Netscape that should enable you to change the font size using ctrl-[ or ctrol-] in the usual way. >>

As I say, at most websites the Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ do work. Not in AT FAQs, for me. Of course, this is using Netscape.

I understand the situation very well, I am telling you normally I can change font size by view/text size/larger or whatever, but for AT I had to do the "ignore font sizes specified on Web pages" first, then still enlarge in in the normal fashion. So, if you have a setting somewhere in Netscape to first ignore the settings from AT, THEN you will be able to ctrl-] yourself into viewable range.

Also, Zuni is referring to this customize, not the one in your browser.


Jul 11, 2001



<< In IE you can change font specs on a web site by tools->internet options->accessibility->Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages, if you have a similar setting/option on Netscape that should enable you to change the font size using ctrl-[ or ctrol-] in the usual way. >>

As I say, at most websites the Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ do work. Not in AT FAQs, for me. Of course, this is using Netscape.

I understand the situation very well, I am telling you normally I can change font size by view/text size/larger or whatever, but for AT I had to do the "ignore font sizes specified on Web pages" first, then still enlarge in in the normal fashion. So, if you have a setting somewhere in Netscape to first ignore the settings from AT, THEN you will be able to ctrl-] yourself into viewable range.

Also, Zuni is referring to this customize, not the one in your browser.

I realize that Zuni was talking about AT customize, which lets me select a preferred font and font size, which (as I say in my last post in this thread) I have utilized for some time now (font size = 16xp).

When you talk about the Netscape settings, I suppose you are talking about this:
- - - -

Sometimes a document will provide its own fonts

Use my default fonts, overriding document-specified fonts
Use document-specified fonts, but disable Dynamic Fonts
Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts
- - - -
Here I am quoting verbatim Netscape and show the way to find this dialog. The default in the three radio button options is the last, "Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts", which is the one I had. I will now change it to the first (or should I use the second?). I hope this doesn't screw up a lot of other web stuff...


Jul 11, 2001
I've made the adjustment in Preferences in Netscape indicated in my previous (just above this) post, and it's no help. Closed and restarted Netscape and I still cannot resize the font in the FAQ. Here, I'm talking about the FAQs accessed by going to the General Hardware forum and choosing the first item: "PLEASE READ THE FAQS". I cannot read them with any comfort without changing my resolution to 800 x 600. That sucks. I tried copying and pasting into other applications, but find the text riddled with formating codes - tabs, I suppose, and it's ugly. What to do? Do I have to use IE?


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
You can change the text size for any page (including AT's) in mozilla. I would assume it is the same way with netscape 6.1. You can try that out if you don't want to mess with IE.


Jul 11, 2001

<< You can change the text size for any page (including AT's) in mozilla. I would assume it is the same way with netscape 6.1. You can try that out if you don't want to mess with IE. >>

"ANY PAGE"?? I've found it not to be so. Try this: Go to the General Hardware Forum in AT, and hit the top-most topic, "PLEASE READ THE FAQs", pick a FAQ, and see if YOU can enlarge the text. If you can in Netscape/Mozilla, PLEASE tell me how! (other than lowering your resolution, that is to say...)

Jason Clark

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Muse, you aren't listening to what everyone is saying :). Click customize in the forums and change the font size there put in 12. It does work if it isn't for you it's not this end that's causing that.

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
I think Muse is saying he's already bumped up the font size for the forums and it's working fine, but when he read the FAQ pages it doesn't carry over to that non-forum section. If there is a way you can tell Netscape to ignore font (size) settings so you can still user your ctrl/] toggle then you'll be able to make it work (pump up the font size) for the areas on AT that are not covered under the customize feature. That's what I do with IE and it works great.


Jul 11, 2001

<< Muse, you aren't listening to what everyone is saying :). Click customize in the forums and change the font size there put in 12. It does work if it isn't for you it's not this end that's causing that. >>

Zuni, I'm afraid it is you who is not reading. I posted in this thread and you privately the facts. I've no problem customizing the forums and did so: 16xp font size. It's the FAQs I'm having trouble with and the customize in the forums has nothing to do with that. I'm having no success in Netscape 4.73 or IE 5.00.... increasing the font size.


Jul 11, 2001

<< I think Muse is saying he's already bumped up the font size for the forums and it's working fine, but when he read the FAQ pages it doesn't carry over to that non-forum section. If there is a way you can tell Netscape to ignore font (size) settings so you can still user your ctrl/] toggle then you'll be able to make it work (pump up the font size) for the areas on AT that are not covered under the customize feature. That's what I do with IE and it works great. >>

You're half right, anyway. However, I did change Netscape to allow me to ignore the webpage font. I quote from one of my posts above in this thread. I could not possibly have been more explicit. I quote the exact words of the Netscape dialog (this is exactly what you see in my post of 9:36 AM this morning, above):
Monday, September 17, 2001 9:36 AM
<< In IE you can change font specs on a web site by tools->internet options->accessibility->Ignore font sizes specified
on Web pages, if you have a similar setting/option on Netscape that should enable you to change the font size using
ctrl-[ or ctrol-] in the usual way. >>

As I say, at most websites the Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ do work. Not in AT FAQs, for me. Of course, this is using Netscape. >>

I understand the situation very well, I am telling you normally I can change font size by view/text size/larger or whatever,
but for AT I had to do the "ignore font sizes specified on Web pages" first, then still enlarge in in the normal fashion.
So, if you have a setting somewhere in Netscape to first ignore the settings from AT, THEN you will be able to ctrl-]
yourself into viewable range.

Also, Zuni is referring to this customize, not the one in your browser. >>

I realize that Zuni was talking about AT customize, which lets me select a preferred font and font size, which (as I say in
my last post in this thread) I have utilized for some time now (font size = 16xp).

When you talk about the Netscape settings, I suppose you are talking about this:
- - - -

Sometimes a document will provide its own fonts

Use my default fonts, overriding document-specified fonts
Use document-specified fonts, but disable Dynamic Fonts
Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts
- - - -
Here I am quoting verbatim Netscape and show the way to find this dialog. The default in the three radio button options is
the last, "Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts", which is the one I had. I will now change it to the first
(or should I use the second?). I hope this doesn't screw up a lot of other web stuff...


Jul 11, 2001
The post above may be confusing, so I will distill it: I made the changes in Netscape and I still can't change the font size. I also can't change the size in IE 5.00. How do you do it in IE? I can't do it in either IE or Netscape. Zuni says he's using style sheets and claims it's common practice, but I'm finding that the fonts are acting as if they are a graphic, not transmitted text.


Jul 11, 2001
I just rebooted my Win2k Pro system, opened both IE and Netscape and the problem persists. In IE, off the View menu, I can select the text size:


No matter which one I pick, the size is the same.

In Netscape, I can press Control+] until I'm blue in the face, but the size doesn't increase.


Jul 11, 2001
Now I have another problem. I do a search and find a thread I'm interested in reading. My normal display font (customized) is not in effect, and the text is tiny! Must I constantly change resolution? What could the problem be? I'm using my usual browser, Netscape 4.73.

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000

<< The post above may be confusing, so I will distill it: I made the changes in Netscape and I still can't change the font size. I also can't change the size in IE 5.00. How do you do it in IE? I can't do it in either IE or Netscape. Zuni says he's using style sheets and claims it's common practice, but I'm finding that the fonts are acting as if they are a graphic, not transmitted text. >>

I'm going to stick with your IE question! To make your fonts bigger in IE, it's a 2-step thang;

First go into tools->internet options->accessibility->ignore font sizes specified on web pages

Next view->text size->largest (or whatever size you want)

That's it - your fonts should be giant no matter where you go or what you do. If you have a scroll mouse you can also hold down the ctrl key and move the scroll button to make font bigger or smaller.


Jul 11, 2001


<< The post above may be confusing, so I will distill it: I made the changes in Netscape and I still can't change the font size. I also can't change the size in IE 5.00. How do you do it in IE? I can't do it in either IE or Netscape. Zuni says he's using style sheets and claims it's common practice, but I'm finding that the fonts are acting as if they are a graphic, not transmitted text. >>

I'm going to stick with your IE question! To make your fonts bigger in IE, it's a 2-step thang;

First go into tools->internet options->accessibility->ignore font sizes specified on web pages

Next view->text size->largest (or whatever size you want)

That's it - your fonts should be giant no matter where you go or what you do. If you have a scroll mouse you can also hold down the ctrl key and move the scroll button to make font bigger or smaller.

Yes! That worked! Thank you... Now, can someone tell me how to solve my problem in Netscape?


Jul 11, 2001
I seriously have to wonder if the Anandtech FAQs support Netscape. I go to Tom's Hardware, which and am reading this article: Link
The appearance is just like the Anandtech FAQs and I can resize the font in the normal manner in Netscape. However, I cannot do this in the Anandtech FAQs.

Jason Clark

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Muse this isn't a forum issue, fonts are working fine. With fixed font styles browsers cannot alter the font size. Many many many many many sites use it.
