Russ is a bot written to sniff out and expose trolls on this forum. His trophies to date: Thunderbooty and 403Forbidden. Unfortunately, the title of you thread contained the word "me" in it, which is a programmed flag to make the Russ bot check the thread for identity trolling. Unfortunately, since the rating feature is so new to the board, Zuni has not had time to update the Russbot's firmware, which is currently in revision 4.0.3, which added support for polls and private messages. Until Zuni gets the newest firmware release flashed into Russ's BIOS, he gets confused by the new rating system, and replies only with a 10 rating and the robotic "I gave you a 10 because I give only 10's."
Of course, the Russbot's insult firmware needs no flash, as it seems to be working fine, despite the new rating feature.
Now if they can just flash those wrinkly nuts....