
Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
got this email today and I could not agree more with what it says I urge all democratic P&N people to go to the action page and contribute.
I wish I could write as well as this person does.

the email

Call your members of Congress now toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/impeachment_now3.php

Minutes ago the U.S. Senate AGAIN failed to exercise meaningful oversight for the national suicide which is our policy in Iraq. It is by now abundantly clear that the Republican caucus is determined to go down with the Bush presidency, and take our military and our country with them while they do nothing. Instead, a bipartisan cattle stampede of senators approved two "we don't hate the troops" resolutions, nothing but vain puffery, swearing to take "no action" about this or that. We don't in the slightest care about what action Congress is NOT going to take, we want to know is what they ARE going to do to reverse the insanity of current policy.

On the occasion of the guilty verdicts against Scooter Libby, Howard Dean was quoted as saying we would have a new president "soon enough." If he is talking about the 2008 election that is NOT soon enough, not even close. Day by day, ever more outrageous scandals and abuses of power spew forth from the White House, as we now learn that they have been so corrupted beyond redemption by their power grabs, that they even used the U.S. attorneys themselves for nakedly partisan witch hunts, to try to influence our elections, and fired all who would not bend under their political dictate.

And what was Bush's response when called on this monumental affront not just to the checks in our government, but also to the independency of our very justice system? "What was mishandled was the explanation of the cases to the Congress," he said. In Bush's mind there are no policy mistakes, let alone policy crimes. In his world there are only SPIN mistakes, when we the people aren't quite stupid enough to buy their criminal hypocrisies. We hear admissions that "mistakes were made," as if mistakes somehow made themselves. But even where there is verbal responsibility taken, there is NEVER actual accountability. The sacrificial fall guys will reluctantly resign, but NEVER is there a price paid by the core perpetrators for their conduct.

The Bush presidency is one of false appearances, phony and disingenuous words of compassion and democracy, while the true underlying agenda is the embezzlement of our national treasury, and even those of other sovereign countries, on behalf of their biggest campaign contributors, who then remorselessly relocate to evade taxes on their ill-gotten profits. The Bush presidency is to create wars out of whole cloth, to demonize not only their critics buy entire innocent populations, first Iraq, then Lebanon, now Iran. It is a mission to exacerbate terrorism to the maximum extent possible, while ignoring its actual roots causes and laying off its ringleaders, at the mortal peril of our true national security. And it is not going to STOP in any respect until the day that Bush is lawfully removed from office.

It was not enough that president Bush should pack our courts with radical ideologue judges, one of whom just this week presumed to overturn two centuries of 2nd amendment case law, to let the NRA rewrite our very Constitution. No, even the choice of cases to bring to court they must warp so that only Democrats could ever be prosecuted for any crime, despite the fact that most of the wrongdoing they were actually finding was by Republicans. How their talking head cronies howled after the Libby verdicts that it was just a political prosecution. Their new rule of law is that it's against the law to prosecute Republicans, no matter what the crime, and that any attempt to do so is by definition a political vendetta. And if the the Libby trial exposed nothing, it was that Cheney was the king culprit.

And hanging over everything is the preemptively declared threat of a presidential veto of any attempt, no matter how timid, to confront these high crimes. And that is why we have concluded that Dennis Kucinich is speaking the essential truth. We have long known that Bush was planning an illegal war of aggression against Iran. Shame on the leadership of the House for the sudden demise, without even a vote, of the provision in the war supplemental appropriations bill to preclude an attack on Iran without express congressional consent. Let there be a vote so we can know which members of Congress think it's OK for the president to launch horrific and disastrous new wars without even a peep from them.

What Kucinich so clearly understands in his call for impeachment is that all these things are mere symptoms of the foundational problem, the cowardice of members of Congress as they run away from actually restraining the abuse of executive power. What are non-binding resolutions except avoidance of actually challenging the policy issue? What are bills that write into themselves exceptions if the president takes "responsibility" for them? Is the role of Congress to be relegated to courteously writing the president's signing statements for him?

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/impeachment_now3.php

Bush loves to lecture the American people on the lessons of 9/11. There was only one lesson to be learned from 9/11 . . . that we had the WRONG president.

And in five years since there are still too many who have not learned that critical lesson, which failure is the reason New Orleans was left to sink by a guitar strumming photo-op president, which failure is the reason even the administration drafted Patriot Act has been abused to conduct massive illegal surveillance of innocent American citizens. That failure is the reason for torture of those even suspected of being our enemies has become official U.S. policy, in utter defiance of all norms of international law and civilized decency.

That failure is the reason our entire intelligence operation against weapons of mass destruction, the life long specialty of Valerie Plame, was sabotaged and jeopardized to try to gain cheap political advantage. Or was it to keep concealed even more heinous acts of treason. That failure is the reason our military is still pursuing a fool's mission in Iraq, chasing an enemy who is not there in any significant numbers. We face nothing but two more years of such disasters and outrages every minute that George Bush, Dick Cheney and their pod people remain in any office of authority.

So what if Gonzales bites the dust. He is just one more water-carrier. He would already have been long gone had not Bush PERSONALLY intervened to quash investigation into the abuse of administration's warrantless domestic eavesdropping program, when that first came to partial light. We have a president and vice president for whom obstruction of justice is just another burglar tool in their bag, as they rob the balance of powers in our Constitution. Let the subpoenas now issuing in the U.S. attorney scandal lead to door of the oval office, where the trail surely does directly lead.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/impeachment_now3.php

And let us renew again and again our call for Congress to impeach ALL those who have harmed we the people so grievously, and to prosecute those impeachments at the most mercifully swift speed.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at http://www.usalone.com/in.htm


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What's the point of impeaching him? Even if you think he's committed all sorts of crimes, he will never be convicted.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: eskimospy
What's the point of impeaching him? Even if you think he's committed all sorts of crimes, he will never be convicted.

You might be surprised. Seventeen republican senators might follow their oath.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2006
Because the Senate failed to pass a bill, we should impeach the president?

I can kinda see the connection, and don't like Bush myself.

Still, a little overdone for one bill that was written rather hurridly


Jun 3, 2002
He should be impeached, certainly. Him getting impeached is another story. Cheney is more likely than Bush at this point.


Golden Member
Mar 13, 2004
Edit, I'll add a comment to this. I think that Bush is a poor president in areas only alluded to in this post. The pandering to Mexico and the fact that his administration is represented by people who seem to think it is ok to lie under oath. I have big problems with that.

I truthfully think that Bush himself is not a liar and would never condone it. I do think he has his convictions and those convictions have him confronting extremist in a part of the world where these extremist are entertained in their own jihadist paradise. These people would be perfectly happy blaming America for their lot in life if we were there or not.

The problem with Bushs convictions is that they have skewed his perception to the point that he thinks it is ok to cherry pick civil liberties. I have major issues with that too. His administration realizes, all to well, the grey area they live in day to day and continually feel the need to lie and mis represent to protect Bush and the agenda of making sure that 9/11 never happens again. Consitution be damned.

I still think that Bush was the man for the job in the years after 9/11 and Iraq, despite the mis-steps, is not the worst thing to happen to this country.



Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
I think the point is that the congress refuses to stand up and protect us in our desire to end this war or at least hold the liars accountable for their actions.
It is symptom of a greater neglect by our elected representatives, We made our wishes VERY clear to them in the last election


Nov 25, 2001
I'd suggest you find some good solid evidence on Bush before you go off half-cocked trying to impeach him.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
thats one thing an impeachment does is look for evidence.
but just off the top
lying about Iraq, torture, domestic wiretapping, war profiteering, paid journalist plants, producing fake news, ignoring laws passed to rein him in, collusion with corporations, negligent homicide in the Katrina disaster, et cetera, et cetera.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
This is a very interesting time in history.

Will people who insist on holding our county to the highest moral standards be able to follow through? Or will we go down with our heads in the sand?

Thank God I got to enjoy the mindlessness of the 80's...


Jul 28, 2006
Congress won't vote to stop the funding of the war, nor will they even pass a bill to prevent Bush from attacking Iran, yet you expect them to impeach the President? Huh? :confused:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Oh, but the people are sick of political bickering and want the parties to love each other and work together for everybody's benefit. The Democrats have to show they are nice.

The Democrats want to get re-elected.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: eskimospy
What's the point of impeaching him? Even if you think he's committed all sorts of crimes, he will never be convicted.

Maybe you should visit the grave of Richard Nixon before you make statements like that. Much of the 2 year national nightmare of watergate was involved in prying out enough evidence to prove Richard Nixon in fact obstructed justice. With Nixon fighting tooth and nail to prevent teh release of the evidence. And meanwhile was flagrantly lying to the American people about his state of knowledge of the affair.

With GWB, the crimes are self admitted. As he brags of ignoring some 750+ laws, some of which he signed. As the congressional investigation crank up, and we are just seeing the start of these, a tremendous volume of documentation will result and be released. On items such as torture, international war crimes, kidnapping, and a host of other high crimes and misdemeanors only now suspected of being committed and orchestrated by GWB. We all now how it works, you catch the little rats committing crimes, they rat out the people who ordered they commit the crime, and up the food chain you go until you find the commander and thief---GWB.

As the watergate caper proved----public mood on impeachment is a moving target---and the best may yet to come. Just wait until they find the smoking gun. Or as they say, never say never.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: oldman420
I could not agree more with what it says

"There was only one lesson to be learned from 9/11"

You can teach an old dog a new trick, but it does require effort.



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: oldman420
I think the point is that the congress refuses to stand up and protect us in our desire to end this war or at least hold the liars accountable for their actions.
It is symptom of a greater neglect by our elected representatives, We made our wishes VERY clear to them in the last election

so who appointed you to speak for all americans???


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: oldman420
I think the point is that the congress refuses to stand up and protect us in our desire to end this war or at least hold the liars accountable for their actions.
It is symptom of a greater neglect by our elected representatives, We made our wishes VERY clear to them in the last election

so who appointed you to speak for all americans???

I think he said Americans spoke at their polling places. He is simply alluding to how the vote went. In short he is not trying to speak for Americans but referencing what they have already said by voting. When America speaks, it is the majority of voters, not all Americans. There will always be a percentage of retards that don't get what's going on.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: oldman420
I think the point is that the congress refuses to stand up and protect us in our desire to end this war or at least hold the liars accountable for their actions.
It is symptom of a greater neglect by our elected representatives, We made our wishes VERY clear to them in the last election

so who appointed you to speak for all americans???


To JEDIYoda,

I am very much doing a slow burn about your post and your response to oldman420. But to directly answer your question--no one appointed him, you , or me to speak for all Americans. But as a presumed American oldman420 has every right to post his opinions on this forums---and so do you---but given the present popularity of GWB, its far more likely that he not you better speaks for all Americans.

And your rather blatant attempt to shout him down mises the real fact of this thread, namely that collective American people spoke on 11/06/06 and threw the republican rubber stamp congress out because they were not doing their jobs in controlling a run away President. And that our new congress is empowered to speak for the American people---its called representative democracy---and post dates and more accurately reflects the will of the people than any elections of 2004.

While I may differ with oldman420 regarding patience, I have every hope that this new congress will soon show that they have earned the trust of the American people. It may seem that GWB&co is still winning, but the tide is turning and I am predicting the flow the other way may soon sweep GWB&co. away. With the evidence and political will to impeach
GWB&co. still a distant but attainable possibility.

When the facts start coming out---even you may be howling for the impeachment of GWB.

Or maybe you want to share the fate of Earl the Pearl Langrebe---the last known supporter of Richard Nixon in congress---who uttered the famous statement---"My minds made up, don't confuse me with the facts."----but Earl Landgrebe then and maybe you now clearly did not speak for the American people either.


Jul 13, 2005
As usual your take on what is happening and what has happenned politically is different from those of us who see the real truth!!

You actually honestly believe the democrats will do and be any better than the republican have done?

You actually don`t understand why the democrats are virtually in effective now that they supposedly have the votes to accomplish something.....

Bring it on...let the democrats show us the right way to run a country and even better let the democrats show us how to remove our troops from Iran without putting our tail between our legs and up and leaving.

Pulls up a chair and a cold beer......this ought to be a doozy!!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To JEDIYoda---who gasp---brings up the forgettable ghost of "bring it on"---a statement even GWB now publically regrets making.

I have already made countless posts on what I thinks should be done regarding Iraq---so drink your beer and do your homework. I do not claim to speak for what the congress will end of doing---or even what our bumbler in chief will end up doing either---but do point out it was Nixon who pulled out of Vietnam with his tail between his legs--even though he called it peace with honor.

Meanwhile I will drink my beer--and contemplate the question---who is more clueless---you or GWB?

Which reminds me--its time to drink my first beer of the evening.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
As usual your take on what is happening and what has happenned politically is different from those of us who see the real truth!!

You actually honestly believe the democrats will do and be any better than the republican have done?

You actually don`t understand why the democrats are virtually in effective now that they supposedly have the votes to accomplish something.....

Bring it on...let the democrats show us the right way to run a country and even better let the democrats show us how to remove our troops from Iran without putting our tail between our legs and up and leaving.

Pulls up a chair and a cold beer......this ought to be a doozy!!

we have troops in Iran? hmm mayhap we should put you in charge.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
As usual your take on what is happening and what has happenned politically is different from those of us who see the real truth!!

You actually honestly believe the democrats will do and be any better than the republican have done?

You actually don`t understand why the democrats are virtually in effective now that they supposedly have the votes to accomplish something.....

Bring it on...let the democrats show us the right way to run a country and even better let the democrats show us how to remove our troops from Iran without putting our tail between our legs and up and leaving.

Pulls up a chair and a cold beer......this ought to be a doozy!!

The Democrats do not have a veto proof majority.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
I'm perplexed by the number of people who don't think there is any evidence.

Two words: Murdering liar