Why is it that every time someone on this board has to make a important choice they get back on here and ask
what should they do from complete strangers!
I mean come on people, I am sure you were raised to make choices on your own,
Ok do I want to take a dump standing up or should I sit down, or how about Should I bang my girlfriend tonight
or should I just spank the monkey, or the one that gets me , Should I buy this (product A) or should I buy this
(product B) please help me I am not able to make my own mind up.
/Rant off
Ok now that is out of the way and I feel much better.
one more thing I want to have a couple of beers tonight should I get Guinness or Samual Adams?
kinda ironic isnt it?
what should they do from complete strangers!
I mean come on people, I am sure you were raised to make choices on your own,
Ok do I want to take a dump standing up or should I sit down, or how about Should I bang my girlfriend tonight
or should I just spank the monkey, or the one that gets me , Should I buy this (product A) or should I buy this
(product B) please help me I am not able to make my own mind up.
/Rant off
Ok now that is out of the way and I feel much better.
one more thing I want to have a couple of beers tonight should I get Guinness or Samual Adams?