Rant: Use turn signals please and check your blindspots

Feb 19, 2001
I know a lot of us are lazy and we merge without using turn signals. Hell I do it a lot, but wasn't the purpose of blinkers to indicate that you desire to merge? So many people just hit their blinker the second they are merging. I always thought that you signal so people understand that you want to merge. Then you proceed to check your blind spots and what not before actually going into another lane.

Well this guy merged right in front of me today on I-80 where the traffic was fluid flowing from Sacramento to Oakland and it was a bit annoying that I had to tap my brakes from getting a bit too close. Not only did he not signal, I bet he didn't check his blind spot because clearly there wasn't all that much room between me and the next car. Then he decides to merge out because the left lane is not as fast as he likes it and there seems to be just a tad bit of room in the middle lane for some weaving.

Of course he doesn't realize that there's just not too much room to weave and his best bet would be to stay in the left lane. By then I was beginning to pass him, and I got to his blind spot or so when he decided to merge back in with no turn signal. Seeing this I depressed my horn for the longest time while inching to the left shoulder to prevent a collision.

And guess what? He keeps MERGING IN while speeding up. Usually when you realize you made a bad merge where someone's in your blind spot, you GTFO and get back in your lane. Instead he keeps coming at me so I have to brake and ride on the line of the left shoulder for him to squeeze in front of me. Then he sticks his hand out of the window to apologize.

What a jerk. Somehow the middle lane decided to clear up right then (I guess everyone merged into the left lane) and I sped through to pass him while giving him the finger.


Well at least he apologized. I've made a few bone-headed moves in traffic and stuck a hand out to signal my apology a few times myself. Maybe he felt that he couldn't return to his lane for some reason after he had committed to the merge.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Try spending 3+ hours a day just driving to and from work. I'm sure others have it much worse or drive FOR their job and understand also but,

Just as the average person is overweight, an idiot, and over opinionated about things they don't understand or know anything about - they also can't drive.

It never stops pissing me off but unless there was an actual accident it isn't worth a rant anymore.


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Judgement
Try spending 3+ hours a day just driving to and from work.

That means find another job or move.



Mar 1, 2000
How long have you lived in CA? That seems pretty normal I-80 traffic to me.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: us3rnotfound
haha, the finger was a bit much wouldn't you say

depends on whether the OP toned down the story or exaggerated. sometimes it is necessary, as i have seen on I-80. what the OP posted doesn't really seem to be finger worthy. if it truly was finger worthy, you'd be honking along side him with half your body sticking out the window towards him for all to see. boy does that bring back memories :p