Rant: Cigarette Companies

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Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2002
pics of daughter?

I was under the impression that they cannot send you anything unless you physically sign up with a calid ID. I happen to know a camel chick that does those sign up events and she doesnt smoke either.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: RelaxTheMind
pics of daughter?

I was under the impression that they cannot send you anything unless you physically sign up with a calid ID. I happen to know a camel chick that does those sign up events and she doesnt smoke either.

She is making a young geek very happy right now. Her current boyfriend is a double major Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering. Scary because that's what her dad was when I met him. :D



Dec 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Isla
LOL! Your whole post screams loser. You can tell me how wonderful your dad is, and that's great. Come back when you can tell me what you've done with your life.

I'm sorry about your dad, by the way. I hope that he goes quick and easy, like my Uncle Pete. He smoked all his life and was a really great man. He died pretty quickly, but he would have lived much longer if he hadn't been a smoker.
Yea, well.. you're a buttface........ :roll: How about we just call each other names, k. LOL!

Anyways, you wanted to know about my life?
I have a good job at a local firm, a nice car, and I'll be attending the University of Pennsylvania next semester -majoring in architecture. On top of that I have a very nice GF. What more could you want?

And my old Uncle John, he smoked his whole life and passed away at the ripe age of 92 just a couple years ago. He couldn't have been happier.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Isla
Topic Title: Rant: Cigarette Companies
Topic Summary: Do They Think We Are All Stupid????

I have an 18 year old daughter who will be 19 soon.

Since she turned 18, Camel has been sending us stuff. Money clips, cigarette cases, artsy match boxes.

We don't smoke. She doesn't smoke. We are not interested in smoking.

Do they think if they waste enough money on marketing, we will decide smoking is a good idea????

Ayup, a goodly portion of the U.S. is just that, stupid.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: JDrake
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: JDrake
"Do They Think We Are All Stupid????"

No, they only send stuff like that to the ones who actually are.

So you get a lot of stuff?
No, in fact I don't get any. And I'm 18 and I've never heard of my friends getting anything of the sort. Which means your daughter signed up for something and got her name on a list. Nice attempt to be funny, though. I also doubt that they would continue sending stuff for almost a year if you even made the slightest attempt to cancel your address/name from their mailing list.

But that's not the point. The point is you're an idiot for making the assumption that anyone who smokes is stupid. My father, a graduate from M.I.T. and uPenn, has smoked for 20+ years with no problem. I'd bet anything he's smarter than you.

"Do they think if they waste enough money on marketing, we will decide smoking is a good idea????"
Maybe you and your crew won't want to start smoking, but obviously there are many, many other people who will. Just look how successful they are. More successful than you.

LOL! Your whole post screams loser. You can tell me how wonderful your dad is, and that's great. Come back when you can tell me what you've done with your life.

I'm sorry about your dad, by the way. I hope that he goes quick and easy, like my Uncle Pete. He smoked all his life and was a really great man. He died pretty quickly, but he would have lived much longer if he hadn't been a smoker.

I am a smoker and I am sorry but I do not subscribe to your "quantity above quality" view on life. I am sick and fricken tired of people saying that I am stupid because I make a CHOICE to do something that makes me a little happier each day. I could give two shits if you don't think that it's a smart decision. Please do not call me stupid because I choose to smoke. I am sure if we looked at your life you always wear your seatbelt, drive the speed limit, don't drink, eat only pesticide free natural fruits and vegetables, jog 10 miles a day, take a multivitiman and do some yoga each day. If you ask politely I will extinguish my cigarette in your presence but please do not insult my intelligence because I smoke. I have been in 40+ states, 5 different countries, have a master's degree and LOVE my job. I don't think the fact that I smoke brings down the quality of my life whatsoever.


edit: spelling


Diamond Member
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Special K
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: F22 Raptor
I don't smoke of course, but I always like freebee's. Did she sign up for anything?

nope. She didn't sign up for anything. The Army has been calling her, too....

She's starting her first college semester next week.

I think there is a list of people who are turning 18 that just goes out.

That's how I got my free Mach 3 in the mail. The box even said "Happy 18th birthday" on it.

haha word! my mach 3 came about 2 weeks before my birthday! what a sweet gift that was!

and if you don't want that free stuff, send it to me :p free stuff rocks!


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Ah, the defensive smokers!

I used to smoke, used to be addicted. It wasn't easy to quit, but once I did, I realized how I was USED by the tobacco companies through my weakness to chemicals!

Thank goodness I had the strength to quit and retain my youthful good looks and health. It is wonderful to have people be suprised to hear my age upon meeting me. If I still smoked, I know I would not look and smell as good as I do now.

I am sorry that you guys feel persecuted for smoking. I am not sorry that I broke free!


Apr 15, 2001

Lame, weak rant. Generalizations about smokers... puh-leeze. My IQ > Yours and you apparently do not smoke. There goes your whole theory!

And I've got money on either your daughter or one of her "friends" signing her up to the tobacco company mailing list.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Pabster

Lame, weak rant. Generalizations about smokers... puh-leeze. My IQ > Yours and you apparently do not smoke. There goes your whole theory!

And I've got money on either your daughter or one of her "friends" signing her up to the tobacco company mailing list.

I remember when I was a smoker, I NEEDED to smoke. I got TOTALLY constipated when I quit because my body needed nicotene and coffee in the morning to take a ******!

What a total relief to not have to smoke to feel good. :)


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Pabster

Lame, weak rant. Generalizations about smokers... puh-leeze. My IQ > Yours and you apparently do not smoke. There goes your whole theory!

And I've got money on either your daughter or one of her "friends" signing her up to the tobacco company mailing list.

And yes, it was probably her friend Amber. She does smoke.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: Pabster

Lame, weak rant. Generalizations about smokers... puh-leeze. My IQ > Yours and you apparently do not smoke. There goes your whole theory!

And I've got money on either your daughter or one of her "friends" signing her up to the tobacco company mailing list.

I remember when I was a smoker, I NEEDED to smoke. I got TOTALLY constipated when I quit because my body needed nicotene and coffee in the morning to take a ******!

What a total relief to not have to smoke to feel good. :)

Wow. Your my hero!!!



Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Mathlete
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: Pabster

Lame, weak rant. Generalizations about smokers... puh-leeze. My IQ > Yours and you apparently do not smoke. There goes your whole theory!

And I've got money on either your daughter or one of her "friends" signing her up to the tobacco company mailing list.

I remember when I was a smoker, I NEEDED to smoke. I got TOTALLY constipated when I quit because my body needed nicotene and coffee in the morning to take a ******!

What a total relief to not have to smoke to feel good. :)

Wow. Your my hero!!!

Hmmm. Are you posting in my toilet?


May 23, 2002
Do the things they send you coem with any Return Envelopes? If so, start mailing them all kinds of junk back.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Isla
I have an 18 year old daughter who will be 19 soon.

Since she turned 18, Camel has been sending us stuff. Money clips, cigarette cases, artsy match boxes.

We don't smoke. She doesn't smoke. We are not interested in smoking.

Do they think if they waste enough money on marketing, we will decide smoking is a good idea????
seriously, how did she get on their mailing list unless she signed up? i have never heard of cigarette companies sending this stuff out without it being requested.

maybe she is already a smoker.



Dec 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Isla
Ah, the defensive smokers!

I used to smoke, used to be addicted. It wasn't easy to quit, but once I did, I realized how I was USED by the tobacco companies through my weakness to chemicals!

Thank goodness I had the strength to quit and retain my youthful good looks and health. It is wonderful to have people be suprised to hear my age upon meeting me. If I still smoked, I know I would not look and smell as good as I do now.

I am sorry that you guys feel persecuted for smoking. I am not sorry that I broke free!
Ahh so modest.

But sorry hun I bet you're not the hot stuff you think you are. You have that "better than everyone" attitude - if someone does something you don't approve of, they're automatically wrong/stupid?. You gotta realize that if someone wants to do something to make them happy it doesn't make them less intelligent or lower on the food chain than you.

How would you not look/smell as good? just brush/whiten teeth and wear clean clothes, I don't see the problem.

You obviously get a kick acting like such a hero, telling your great tale of how you managed to escape the grasp of the vicious niccotine monster and gained your ability to shlt back. You see? that makes you happy. Just the idea of not smoking makes you happy. blaming anything that might have naturally been wrong at the time on cigarettes makes you happy. and someone who smokes gets a similar kick. So what? How does that make them any less intelligent?

ps: btw I don't smoke.


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2005
Somehow her name got in the camel marketing database most likely at a bar or club. Cigarette companies often go to bars and events and give out free packs of cigs or other free goodies in exchange for scanning your license. I have got free cigs, free zippo lighters, shirts, hats etc...


Dec 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Mathlete
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: JDrake
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: JDrake
"Do They Think We Are All Stupid????"

No, they only send stuff like that to the ones who actually are.

So you get a lot of stuff?
No, in fact I don't get any. And I'm 18 and I've never heard of my friends getting anything of the sort. Which means your daughter signed up for something and got her name on a list. Nice attempt to be funny, though. I also doubt that they would continue sending stuff for almost a year if you even made the slightest attempt to cancel your address/name from their mailing list.

But that's not the point. The point is you're an idiot for making the assumption that anyone who smokes is stupid. My father, a graduate from M.I.T. and uPenn, has smoked for 20+ years with no problem. I'd bet anything he's smarter than you.

"Do they think if they waste enough money on marketing, we will decide smoking is a good idea????"
Maybe you and your crew won't want to start smoking, but obviously there are many, many other people who will. Just look how successful they are. More successful than you.

LOL! Your whole post screams loser. You can tell me how wonderful your dad is, and that's great. Come back when you can tell me what you've done with your life.

I'm sorry about your dad, by the way. I hope that he goes quick and easy, like my Uncle Pete. He smoked all his life and was a really great man. He died pretty quickly, but he would have lived much longer if he hadn't been a smoker.

I am a smoker and I am sorry but I do not subscribe to your "quantity above quality" view on life. I am sick and fricken tired of people saying that I am stupid because I make a CHOICE to do something that makes me a little happier each day. I could give two shits if you don't think that it's a smart decision. Please do not call me stupid because I choose to smoke. I am sure if we looked at your life you always wear your seatbelt, drive the speed limit, don't drink, eat only pesticide free natural fruits and vegetables, jog 10 miles a day, take a multivitiman and do some yoga each day. If you ask politely I will extinguish my cigarette in your presence but please do not insult my intelligence because I smoke. I have been in 40+ states, 5 different countries, have a master's degree and LOVE my job. I don't think the fact that I smoke brings down the quality of my life whatsoever.


edit: spelling

hahahahahahaha. so having a gnawing, itching compulsion that costs more than many illegal drug habits, makes you smell so sh!tty that just being around you makes other people smell sh!tty, a fog on the inside of your car and home windows, rotting yellow teeth, numb senses, an inability to run, and the equivilent of one hand always tied behind your back is your idea of a "quality life?" HAAHAHAHAHAH.

listen, the "quality" you feel when you take a drag is exactly what the rest of us feel ALL THE TIME.

you might not be "stupid," but you don't have a very firm grasp of reality, that's for sure.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Yet another lets hate on something we don't like thread.

Smoking and drinking have been something that humans have enjoyed for many thousands of years. Nothing is going to change that and no one except the most self-absorbed, self-righteous people (of which the overwhelming majority are American) want to attempt to change that through legislation and accepted social policy.

Since your daughter and her friends are obviously smoking and going to bars, why don't you sit them down like a responsible parent and do the duty? :)