Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: Riceball
Originally posted by: JEDI
i havent bought breyer's in a while, since it's expensive. (but good)
this week my local supermarket has it for 1/2price sale.
after i bought it home, i noticed it 1.75 quarts, instead of the 1/2 gallon i'm used to.
grr... damn marketing ripoff.. keeping price the same but giving u less product
Blame supermarkets, they don't want to charge more for specific items so in order to contian costs, contents are reduced.
It's not the supermarkets, it's the manufacturers. They're trying to hit a specific price point to stay competitive with their competitors. If Friendly's and Edy's/Dryer's are selling for $4.99 then Breyers has to sell for $4.99 too. If they were forced to sell at $5.29 while the others were $4.99 they wouldn't sell a single package. Rather than raise prices they drop quantity, everyone does it on every type of food.
To be honest almost no ice cream sells at regular price. It's perhaps the most sales-driven category in the entire supermarket. In quarts people are loyal to specific brands like Haagen-Daaz and Ben & Jerry's, but in the half gallons almost everyone shops by price. They'll buy whatever is on sale that week and the other stuff won't move at all.