- Jul 26, 2002
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Ok so Im really really really mad right now. I am to the point where I want to make life living hell for every teacher and administrator at my school, except for a select few. M;y computer tech teacher (former) is a total idiot. Ive taken his class for the last year and a half and we do next to nothing in there all day every day. So I don't know wtf he grades us on. Ive questioned him time and again, and had quite a few arguments with him cause he's a total prick, and if any of you met him you would agree. I finally got out of that class, taken college classes now, but on our last marking period grade he gave me a FRICKEN C. I know more about computers then him, I did EVERYTHING he asked me to do, and totally cooperated. HE GAVE ME A C, and I even did 3% extra credit in there! My Computer graphics teacher at our regular school is a total idiot, she's really an art teacher that doesnt know anything about computers, and since our school is on welfare they can't afford decent equipment so none of the computers ever work right, and they always try to figure out why but they are dumb as crap. All we get in their for work now is busy work, its totally pointless BS and I am really getting sick of doing it. We have to redesign this brochure because supposedly it looks bad. I think the brochure looks fine, infact better then what I, or anyone in that class can do, including the teacher. I'd like to see the teacher do her assignments for once, see how she likes them. I was on the verge of just walking out today. Soooo mad. I asked another friend of mine what she is doing for her brochure she said that she is just giving it a different template and saying she *thinks* it looks better this way, even though we both agree it'll look worse. Basically she said she is BSing her way thru it, cause thats all we are supposed to do in that class. So I get home just now for lunch and mom tells me that my little sister (8th grade) got 5 hrs of detention, it didnt hit me right away, but now I realize that I have to wait around another 1hr 40 mins up town now to pick my sister up from detention for 2 weeks. I have nothing to do during that time, and driving 10 miles home is a waste of gas. Im the only one with a car now since my dad moved to florida for a new job (family is staying here and finishing up school year) so its all on me to pick her up, that means I can't do anything during that time plus another 30 minutes because I have to take her home. It turns out that she got detention because some kid &bumped& into her table, and she called her a lesbian. Yah, ok bad little sis, but what really happened is that the kid hit my little sisters table on purpose cause they dont like each other, and is basically harassing her, and so my little sister, only being 13 called her a lesbian. So my sister got in trouble but not this other girl...
THIS SCHOOL SYSTEM IS FULL OF CRAP, IM ABOUT 4 MONTHS FROM GRADUATING AND GETTING OUTTA THIS CRAP ARSE CITY, IC AN'T WAIT... Should I raise hell left and right and question the motives and reasoning behind every move everyone does that I dont like? Should I be like, wtf why did I get this grade? Wtf why are we getting busy work? Wtf why did my sis get in trouble but not the other girl? WTF WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?@!?KFalsijfkleawflkeawklrJ
THIS SCHOOL SYSTEM IS FULL OF CRAP, IM ABOUT 4 MONTHS FROM GRADUATING AND GETTING OUTTA THIS CRAP ARSE CITY, IC AN'T WAIT... Should I raise hell left and right and question the motives and reasoning behind every move everyone does that I dont like? Should I be like, wtf why did I get this grade? Wtf why are we getting busy work? Wtf why did my sis get in trouble but not the other girl? WTF WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?@!?KFalsijfkleawflkeawklrJ