Random System Power off


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2002
:disgust: Help! Over the last month my system has been powering off at random intervals. At first I thought it was my new power supply (Antec 400W Smart Power), but my I switched back my 300W Enlight PS and still have the same problem. It also doesn't seem to be related to overheating, tho I did replace all of the fans shortly before to quiet the system down (now have a Volcano 7 & 2x80mm Panflos). I also reverted back to std settings because I thought my wee attempts at overclocking might have something to do with it. (I had my FSB at 143.) When it shuts down I can sometimes get it to start back up, other times I have to wait. I assume it's a short somewhere, but can't figure out any way to find it.

Any ideas?

My system:
1800 XP
Epox 8kha+
256 mb Crucial DDR 2100
430W Antec SmartPower PS
VisionTek Ti 4400 (had the problem with my GF2Pro also)
SoundBlaster Live Value
TDK 32x10x40x CD-R
50x CD Rom
30 gig Maxtor 7200 RPM
80 gig Maxtor 7200 RPM
Enlight case