ram modules for notebook


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
Hi i have a 1.7 Dothan notebook based on the latest Sonoma 533FSB platform and i am interested in upgrading the RAM. The notebook initiallly came with DDR2 PC3200. I am just curious, if technically, it would make any difference if i replaced the existing PC3200 which runs at 400MHZ with PC 4200 which runs at 533MHZ.

I have asked quite a few people and i am getting different responses. Some have said that it is best to match the RAM speed with the FSB speed. Others have said that it wouldn't make a difference either way because my notebook would never reach the theoretical bandwidth the faster RAM provided. Yet another group of people say that the chipset divider ratio is what determines which RAM speed i should use.

Can anyone out there give me the CORRECT answer with an explaination WHY?

Thanks in Advanced