Ram for my Semperon?


Junior Member
Jan 23, 2006
I have had an Athlon XP 2000+ since it came out however many years ago (4 or 5?) on an Socket A motherboard. At the time I bought Samsung pc2700 ram, and found out recently my ram is bad and I can't run it at more than 266mhz, even though my motherboard supports 333mhz (my mobo is a Chaintech Apogee 7VJL).

I can't afford to do a full system replacement right now. I see Semperon 2800+ is relatively cheap on Ebay ($70). I looked at 1gig pc2700 ram on NewEgg, and the prices range from $80 - $140. I am not sure what I should get. The lowest CAS latency is 2.5, and some of them have timings displayed. Some are 2.5v, some are 2.6v. Can someone help me out? It has been a long time since I've been in the market to upgrade my CPU and Ram, and I am a bit confused. Does anyone know where I can get socket A semperon's for cheap other than Ebay?

To top it off, I have been lurking here for so long I forgot my old username and password.

Thanks in advance for anyone who replies.