RAID vs. SCSI questions

Monel Funkawitz

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
I am thinking about a new system, and I am debating the choice of RAID 0 vs. SCSI.

In the red corner - SCSI
IBM Ultrastar 18Gb Ultra 2 Wide SCSI 68pin 10000RPM
Memorex 8X/2X/20X SCSI,CD Rewritable,Internal,with SCSI Card
NEC CR3010A 40X Internal SCSI CD-Rom Drive


In the blue corner - RAID 0
2) 30.0GB Fireball AS 30GB EIDE ULTRA-ATA/100 7200RPM
Afreey 50x IDE Internal CD-ROM Drive
HP 9500 12x10x32 CDR/RW
Gigabyte GA-6RX ULTRA 100 RAID

In general, I am looking for system performance. RAID looks fast, but I'd like the ability to have more than four drives. What do you all think? Do I RAID it or go SCSI?


Jan 16, 2001
I don't know much about either one...but I do know that SCSI is very expensive! Of course, "expensive" is you have rich relatives, that is...;) I'm considering a RAID array myself. Currently have a post out feeling for ideas/info. Good luck.


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
If 18GB is enough storage space, then SCSI. If all you need is 18GB why RAID two 30GB drives?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why stop in Chicago if you're going to New York? Do like I did and go for SCSI RAID 0 with two 9gig Seagate Cheetahs. Think of it as feeding yourself with both hands at once.


Golden Member
Jun 20, 2000
I also have the same question. I am thinking either use an IDE RAID0 or a 10k or even 15k SCSI driver in my next upgrade. I am not sure as to which one would provide better performance.

Mainly the SCSI would be used only for program installation so I think capacity is not that much of a problem. I would still use IDE for storage of non-program files.


Oct 9, 1999
Just went through the same decision myself. From the hours (and hours) I spent checking out benchmarks and reading articles it's obvious that IDE RAID is pointless unless you're running some kind of server/Photoshop where you regularly move 500MB+ files around. Also, most IDE RAID cards are garbage. The only good ones come from Adaptec (2400a) and 3ware (Escalade 6000 and 7000 series).

So, after trying to justify IDE RAID, I decided to look into SCSI. My major concerns were noise and heat (I'm not in the mood to ever buy a hard drive cooler considering I just forked out $$$ for this Palo Alto server case). While the Cheetah X15 's (15k) performance is impressive, it's heat and noise is excessive (starting to sound like Jesse Jackson;) ) However, if you bump down to the 10k HDs you can get several models from IBM, Fujitsu, and Quantum that offer blazing performance while maintaining near ATA heat and noise levels.

What I decided to do was get a 10k SCSI 18G drive for OS and Apps and use my 60G ATA 60GXP for storage (Add ATA drives as needed). Should get the best of both worlds for a VERY nice price. And you can make the setup as expensive or inexpensive as you want depending on drive and controller (hint Tekram).

One last point: I wouldn't waste my time with anything SCSI other than the boot drive (unless you have a specific reason). ATA burner technology with burnproof has negated the advantages of SCSI and plextor doesn't even make a 16x SCSI burner. Further some programs (such as certain Linux distributions) have issues with SCSI CD-ROM drives. Get yourself an ATA Pioneer DVD and the Plextor 161040A and you should be set.

Monel Funkawitz

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Thanks so much everyone. I think I am going to set up with the 18gig SCSI as boot, 30-40 gig IDE as storage, my HP9500 burner to burn, and maybe a fast IDE CD-ROM to take some wear and tear off the burner.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
I agree w/ Snow.

I like a small (9 or 18GB), fast (at least 10Krpm) SCSI boot drive, to run your OS(es), apps & swpa/page file, combined w/ a big-@ss IDE drive for basic storage needs, like downloads, drivers, back-ups, MP3s, Ghost images, jpegs, etc.


Golden Member
Apr 6, 2001

<< I also have the same question. I am thinking either use an IDE RAID0 or a 10k or even 15k SCSI driver in my next upgrade. I am not sure as to which one would provide better performance.

Mainly the SCSI would be used only for program installation so I think capacity is not that much of a problem. I would still use IDE for storage of non-program files.

Keep in mind...most of those &quot;software&quot; raid devices like the HPT370 on the ABIT KT7A, are NOT SUPPORTED in Linux.... they only function as a normal ATA/100 IDE controller... because *SUPRISE* thats all they are...all the raid functions are done in the WINDOWS drivers in software.


Golden Member
May 31, 2000
There is a Kernel Hack floating around
that will supposedly enable RAID 0 support in Linux, but not much else right now.

&quot;Given enough time and money, Microsoft will eventually invent a Unix&quot; - ME

I supposed you're not counting Xenix in that prediction?