RAID questions


Platinum Member
Jul 29, 2000
i'm currently using a 45gb 75GXP IBM HDD, and interested in getting another 45gb 75GXP hdd, and setting them up as a RAID setup. as i'm a newbie to raid completely, i'm going to need some info, can anyone help? =)

1. What is the difference between RAID 1, 0, 1+0, 5, etc ?
2. What would be the best controller, and what is this modded controller I keep hearing about?
3. I'm looking at a Promise controller, what's FastTrack, regular, etc ? i'm not quite sure what to look for here. what's better ? ;)

any basic help on RAID will help me out a lot, thanks guys :)


Senior member
Mar 31, 2000
In short with 2 drives all you can do is raid 0 or 5. 0 stripes and treats the 2 drives as one tht reads twice as fast(bit of overstatement but I did say the short of it). With 0 one drive dies you loose everything. 5 mirrors. Its cuts your total drive storage in half. Drive two exactly repeats everything on drive 1. Same suck speed as one drive, but no crash worries.

Or buy 2 more drives (total 4) and coombine the 2 for a safe but fast system


Platinum Member
Jul 29, 2000
what would you reccommend for a 2 45gb 75GXP setup then? i think all i can really do is RAID 0, which will give me 45gb of total space and much faster read/acess times. or i can go for RAID 1 which will give me slightly higher read times and 45gb total, but not as much speed as RAID 0 will. and since this is just a regular home machine i should just go for pure speed in RAID 0 and forget about the RAID 1 mirroring. is this correct, or am i reading the article wrong?

the article doesn't talk about the mods, etc though. what should i be looking for here?


office boy

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
I don't know where you can get some good info on the mods, but for a home setup, two of those IBM's in RAID0 (stripped) would be nice and fast, and would be about 90GB.
Just hope one don't fail.


Platinum Member
Jul 29, 2000
when you stripe it with RAID 0 you get the full 90gb, not just 45gb ?

the thing is i already have 1-45gb right now, so if that fails i'm screwed anyway. is the rate of failure higher or something when you use a RAID setup? it seems everyone's talking about how you're so screwed if you just lose one drive and it's over- but it's the same thing right now with anyone that has one hard drive. if your hard drive dies, you're screwed, simple as that. i don't think i know any _consumer_ that is willing to spend the bucks just to have a fail-safe of their drives. companies i understand since it's mission-critical data, but for a home system we all risk the same thing, if a drive dies you're screwed.