RAID 0 stripe size


Junior Member
Dec 16, 2001
I am planning on setting up a RAID 0 array in WIN XP, and I have one question. I have read a few articles on the stripe size to be used, and would like to have your suggestions. I will be using two (2) Maxtor 120 gig SATA on an ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe board using the onboard Intel chipset. I will be using the system mainly for Astronomy software which crunches alot of numbers. My question is this: what should I use for the stripe size? I have been told anywhere from from 16k to 64k. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Mar 1, 2000
I would recommend the 16K-64K range as well....if you really want to optimize for a specific application, you need to find out how the application writes to disk. If it writes in smaller chunks, a smaller stripe size will be better, larger chunks then larger stripe size will be better.

Basically..for a typical desktop system, 64K is a good number. If you do a lot of video editing, you would probably benefit from a larger stripe size. Pick a stripe size based on what you want to perform the best.