as described by einstein in his paper published a few days ago in 1917, photon emission can be spontaneous or stimulated. In stimulated emission, atoms can be in an 'excited' state and the passage of a photon through such a population can can cause the ejaculation of energy in the form of an additional photon with the same energy and phase as the incident photon. This chain reaction leads to coherent radiation (masers, lasers, etc).
But what happens if instead of whole atoms in the lasing medium, one just puts nuclei. Can a nucleus be in an excited state? (like bombarding it with neutrons first) If not, can one isolate nuclei from unstable isotopes and use those? Will it emit photons in the same way or particles like neutrons?
A corollary question is what happens when electrons instead of photons are used to bombard an excited population of whole atoms? Do we get a cascade of electrons? An electron laser?
We know what happens when we throw neutrons at excited (unstable) atoms like Pu239.....
But what happens if instead of whole atoms in the lasing medium, one just puts nuclei. Can a nucleus be in an excited state? (like bombarding it with neutrons first) If not, can one isolate nuclei from unstable isotopes and use those? Will it emit photons in the same way or particles like neutrons?
A corollary question is what happens when electrons instead of photons are used to bombard an excited population of whole atoms? Do we get a cascade of electrons? An electron laser?
We know what happens when we throw neutrons at excited (unstable) atoms like Pu239.....