Radeon GPU rankings


Nov 5, 2013
I am looking at selling my radeon 6770 actually for a little bit better one. the reason for upgrading is because i have read the system requirements for COD ghosts and it said minimum is the radeon 5870. Im looking for something that is a bit better than the 5870. please give me a good reference to a card better than the 5870. even though i have a generation newer card it is still not good enough so im at a loss.



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Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2013
You need to give us a budget. Also, the requirements for that game are completely artificial. You can play it on a 6770. Not at max, but depending on your resolution you can make it playable.


Nov 5, 2013
You need to give us a budget. Also, the requirements for that game are completely artificial. You can play it on a 6770. Not at max, but depending on your resolution you can make it playable.

firstly my resolution will be around 1080p by christmas time (getting me a monitor then) i was told it was a little bit of a weak GPU. Also im shopping used so my budget is around 70-80ish i saw than i can get the 7790 for 80ar new so im gonna base my budget sorta off that
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