I remember ATI promising that the new Radeons (8500, 7500) will be available in the middle of September. Well guess what, check the calendar and curse once or twice at ATI.
Somhow when they said Mid Septermber I doubt theyw ere referring to exactly precisely the day of Mid September. I expect the reference was more of an approximate time frame... give or take a few days.
EBgames.com has hte ati radeon 8500 for $300 on pre order OCTOBER 2nd.
I thikn I'd wait for october 2nd for that $300 even if it comes out soon, we need to see reviews of it and the $50 off is a pretty good deal! Eve new egg has it at $350!
i bought a geforce3 then returned it...im back on 3dfx. i want to see ati's reviews. before i finally go to an nvidia because it's the only choice then....
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