Radeon 7500 and GF2 Ti500 for $129.0: Which would be best?


Golden Member
Jan 24, 2001
Directron.com - has the full Retail Radeon 7500 on sale for $129.00.

Newegg.com - has the GAINWARD GeForce 2 Ti500 with VIVO for $129.00.

Which is the best buy?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Im assuming you mean the Ti200 rather than the 500?

Anyways, IMO the Tix00 is the way to go, better features and faster.
And Gainwards have good image quality.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
He is referring to the Gainward Geforce 2 Ti500, not the GF3 Ti200/Ti500 cards. Probably the GF2 would be better.


Senior member
Oct 15, 1999
I would get the 7500. It can do a some things the GF2 series can't. E.g. that 3dmark2001 test with the alien thing sitting on the throne. I went from a GTS to a 7500 and I think it was a good upgrade, and I don't think the GF2 Ti is that much better than the GTS/Pro.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2000
at $120 range,
you can get radeon 7500 which has dual output - vga+dvi and tv-out,
while gf2 whatever just has single vga output and tv-out.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
What are you guys talking about? I thought this was a performance based forum. Go with the VIVO edition Goldsample card and it will have all of the connectors that the Radeon 7500 will have and some. And it will also smoke the Radeon any day. Have you guys read any reviews. The Radeon 7500 is basically a Radeon DDR 64MB card that is a little bit faster, just like the Ti is a little faster than the GeForce 2 Pro. The Radeon has never been able to keep up with the high end GeForce 2 cards.


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2001
Radeon 7500 has hardware bump mapping, GF2Ti doesn't. In most of benchmarks R7500 shows better results than GF2Ti due it's higher clocked memory (250 core/460 memory vs 250/400 on GF2Ti IIRC). Basically R7500 is tuned Radeon DDR as Gf2Ti is tuned GF2 Pro. From performance point i guess you should take Radeon.

But personally i think that if i had to choose i would take Gf2Ti. I have had some ATI cards in the past and their support isn't great exactly. Nvidia has more frequent driver updates. Also I have had lots of problems with different ATI cards and VIA chipsets.



Senior member
Mar 18, 2001

<< Just buy a gf3 ti300 for $150, and blow away the 7500. >>

There is a TI-300 out already?


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000

<< Radeon 7500 has hardware bump mapping, GF2Ti doesn't. In most of benchmarks R7500 shows better results than GF2Ti due it's higher clocked memory (250 core/460 memory vs 250/400 on GF2Ti IIRC). Basically R7500 is tuned Radeon DDR as Gf2Ti is tuned GF2 Pro. From performance point i guess you should take Radeon.

But personally i think that if i had to choose i would take Gf2Ti. I have had some ATI cards in the past and their support isn't great exactly. Nvidia has more frequent driver updates. Also I have had lots of problems with different ATI cards and VIA chipsets.


But this is the Gainward GF2 Ti500 card. The memory on these should be 4ns and as the 500 in the name implies the RAM will oc to at least 500mhz. So you can say that you are comparing a 250/460 R7500 card to a 250/500 GF2 Ti card.


Golden Member
Jan 24, 2001
Yes, the Gainward GF2 Ti500 that I am refering to is the GOLDEN SAMPLE with VIVO, and it has the 4ns Memory that is supposed to be able to OC to 500.

The RED PCB and Miny Orb style Fan are also very very Cool.

Regarding spending another $50 and going with the GF3 Ti200, I was planing to go the the Visiontek GF2 GTS-V for $65, so I am already spending another $65 more than I had planned, but the extra fetures seem to be worth it.

Can anyone comment on the Performance difference between these two cards?
1) Visiontek GF2 GTS-V (No TV-Out) -- $65
2) Gainward GF2 Ti500 GOLDEN SAMPLE (VIVI) -- $129


Nov 10, 2001
Watch out if your running XP. I've got a Gainward GeForce 2 Ti/450 and it crashes
everytime I try to play a video. Seems like there are some known issues using
AMD + XP + GeForce. You might want to do a little investigating if your planning
a similar system. Hopefully, someone will make some drivers that work and I won't
have to return mine for a different card.


Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
If you're an image quality freak or you want a dual monitor setup, I would go with the Radeon 7500. If you're more interested in overall speed, the GF2 is probably the better card, and I think the $65 GTS-V with some overclocking would be about 90% as fast as the ti. The 7500 is basically a higher-clocked version of the original Radeon. It also overclocks very well thanks to the die shrink and faster memory. Radeon drivers have matured significantly as well, but major problems (such as smoke/fog/particle effect slow downs - i.e. smoke in CS) still exist. Good luck and enjoy whatever card you card you end up with!


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
My 7500 seems to overclock real well, I've had it at 320/280 without any artifacts. Mine has the Elite 4ns ram. But I run it at 300/275 just to keep things cooled down abit.

The Radeon seems to be decent so far, but I had the old Radeon DDR before I bought this, and running Win98, and the 7075 drivers, never had any problems with anything I ran. Besides, I figured there is only one way you Nvidia guy's are going to get good vid card deals, and that was if some of us stick with the competition.

I think either way you're headed in the right direction. Both cards are far better than what you were looking at.

Chewbaca: As far as I'm concerned, the CS smoke thing does'nt exsist in all hardware configurations. Some people continue to whine about this problem with the Radeon, but I can tell you as a former Radeon 32mb DDR owner running Win98 and the 7075 drivers the smoke was not a problem.


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2001
Both are good cards, although as I write this the Radeon 7500 is $119 and the Geforce2 Ti500 is $129 at Newegg. All I can say is the Gainward card ROCKS!!!! I just got one, it is running 280/525 like a champ. My 3Dmark score increased 38% from 3950 to 5433. I had two Geforce2 Pros before this, the last one was at 215/468. I was AGP bus limited to a fsb of 150MHz and could not use fastwrites with either. The latest 23.11 driver had FSAA issues with one of my favorite games Janes WW2 Fighters. Not anymore, fastwrites is on, my fsb is 167MHz rock solid, and the Ti 500 did not like my favorite 8.03 Detonator. I am using the 23.11 now, the older drivers recognized the Bios as a Geforce GTS, but the newer ones give you a Geforce2 Ti 500. The 23.11 still has a FSAA issue with Janes, but who needs FSAA anymore? I put this baby on 1600 x 1200 x 32 and it averaged 35fps and ran smoothly with no jerkiness or slow downs. I was going to get the MSI Geforce Ti200 for $157, but it was not in stock, so I grabbed the Gainward instead, and it is fast enough for me.


Sep 22, 2001
I really like my 7500 sofar and I have run into a few legacy game problems it might be DX 8.1 since I havent really tried them since than and most legacy games just look so bad anyway ;). In one of my favorite games "WWIIOL" Im getting a few beyond zbuffer texture invisability problems and a slight fishbowl effect in that and FS2000. I play those (until santa brings FS2k2) and whore around in demos. It was nice to be able to have some shadows and tree detail in ghost recon where my KyroII froze like a deer in the headlights.

Driver issues, yea there still around but not as bad I think. Time will tell......


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oups, got confused by the Ti500 thing, and sorta assumed it was a GF3 since the "official" GF2 is the "Ti200" :)


Golden Member
Jan 24, 2001
Thank you all for your input.
I believe that I am going to go with the GF2 Ti500 XP Golden Sample.

That is, unless I wax frugel and get the GF2 GTS-V for half the price instead.

Thanks again,
