Racial question


Apr 28, 2000
Why does it matter?
The American Association of Medical Colleges requires you to answer it if you apply to medical school.


Dec 12, 2001
Egyptians are not Africans. The questions is asking between black or white, African Black or American White. They are testing you and not for the reasons you might think. I mean they should be applauded at least for the effort they are making to correct the problems they created. But who knows they may be under pressure from other areas in government to turn back the small gains we have achieved over the past couple years.


Oct 9, 1999

alot of people forget that when they start to catagorize people by race.


Oct 2, 2001

<< Egyptians are not Africans. The questions is asking between black or white, African Black or American White. They are testing you and not for the reasons you might think. I mean they should be applauded at least for the effort they are making to correct the problems they created. But who knows they may be under pressure from other areas in government to turn back the small gains we have achieved over the past couple years. >>

Egyptians are Africans because Egypt is in...............Africa! They my not all be as dark as midnight like some Africans but they are Africans.


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
I agree with Czar, human.

I think a more appropriate question would be what would the daughter be considered, Egyptian or American? I think in large part that depends on how the parents raise her. If they raise her according to American culture, she'll consider herself American. If they raise her Egyptain, she'll either consider herself Egyptian or Egyptian-American.

Either way, I'm uncomfortable with the categorizing. We're all human.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
she is african american

her parents have an african heritage hence african, she was born in america hence american


Apr 28, 2000
The old question was phased asking if you were sub-Saharan African, which would not include Egypt.
The current question includes as one choice, Black or African-American, which implies that you can be as the person in question is, white, and African-American.


Apr 28, 2000
cut and pasted from the web application:

Race Information
On this screen you will enter information regarding race. You may select one or more races. To get started, click "add" to the right of the race you wish to add. For additional instructions, click "help" on the tool bar at the top of this screen.

Black or African-American
American Indian or Alaskan Native.
Please specify the name of enrolled or principal tribe:

Asian. Please specify all that apply:
Select One Asian Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Pakistani Vietnamese Other Asian
Specify if other:

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
Please specify all that apply:
Select One Guamanian or Chamarro Native Hawaiian Samoan Other Pacific Islander
Specify if other:

Please specify:



Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
If she wasn't born in Africa she isn't African American. Her parents are though.

If you can select more than one 'race,' choose them all.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2000

<< The old question was phased asking if you were sub-Saharan African, which would not include Egypt.
The current question includes as one choice, Black or African-American, which implies that you can be as the person in question is, white, and African-American.

Even using sub-Saharan as a criteria would be interesting for a Boer family from South Africa.

I guess "Negro" or "black" is out of the question.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
that is my situation.. both of my parents were both born and raised in Egypt, I was born in California... I didn't apply to medical school, but while applying to college, for undergrad.. i put african, as none of the other choices were fitting...besides.. Egypt is in Africa....and thats what my counselor in high school told me to put...

edit: its the school's fault for relating african-american to black......

<< If she wasn't born in Africa she isn't African American. Her parents are though. >>

i think thats a very dumb thing to say.. just because she wasnt born there, she loses her individuality, her culture, her entire history and way of life?? I dont think thats proper, or right.. I was born in America, grew up speaking Arabic while living in Japan.... was raised w/ the customs of an Egyptian..
what you're saying is not fair.. the koreans or japanese or chinese here.. if they were born in the United States, they are no longer Japanese-American, or Chines-American, or Korean-American??


Jan 23, 2001
Simple. You are born in America, you are American.

Oh, was this a racial question? Then human. I don't much care for racial lableings... I wish we would just get over them.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001

<< Simple. You are born in America, you are American.

Oh, was this a racial question? Then human. I don't much care for racial lableings... I wish we would just get over them.

haha.. i dont think "American" is a choice on his application. although i agree on getting over the racial questions...


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2000


<< Why does it matter?
The American Association of Medical Colleges requires you to answer it if you apply to medical school.

2 words: Affirmative Action

Thank you, Captain Obvious!!


Apr 28, 2000
Technically, it matters to AAMC because of Affirmative Action, and matters to me because AAMC asks the question. My views on whether it is right, wrong, or silly don't change a thing as far as my medical school application.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
Couldn't the person just circle in other and then put Egyptian-American?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001

<< think thats a very dumb thing to say.. just because she wasnt born there, she loses her individuality, her culture, her entire history and way of life?? I dont think thats proper, or right.. I was born in America, grew up speaking Arabic while living in Japan.... was raised w/ the customs of an Egyptian..
what you're saying is not fair.. the koreans or japanese or chinese here.. if they were born in the United States, they are no longer Japanese-American, or Chines-American, or Korean-American??

Nope. Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to give up your individuality, your culture, etc. You can be however you want. But unless you were born in Africa and then moved to America then you aren't African American. I don't consider myself a European American. I was born he and that makes me American. Am I less of an individual because I just consider myself American? Do I have less culture because I'm just American? No and no.


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2001
<< think thats a very dumb thing to say.. just because she wasnt born there, she loses her individuality, her culture, her entire history and way of life?? I dont think thats proper, or right.. I was born in America, grew up speaking Arabic while living in Japan.... was raised w/ the customs of an Egyptian..
what you're saying is not fair.. the koreans or japanese or chinese here.. if they were born in the United States, they are no longer Japanese-American, or Chines-American, or Korean-American?? >>

Nope. Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to give up your individuality, your culture, etc. You can be however you want. But unless you were born in Africa and then moved to America then you aren't African American. I don't consider myself a European American. I was born he and that makes me American. Am I less of an individual because I just consider myself American? Do I have less culture because I'm just American? No and no.

So if your parents were born in Italy, and you were born in the US, you wouldn't consider yourself as Italian? or Italian American? Doesn't make much sense to me.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001


<< think thats a very dumb thing to say.. just because she wasnt born there, she loses her individuality, her culture, her entire history and way of life?? I dont think thats proper, or right.. I was born in America, grew up speaking Arabic while living in Japan.... was raised w/ the customs of an Egyptian..
what you're saying is not fair.. the koreans or japanese or chinese here.. if they were born in the United States, they are no longer Japanese-American, or Chines-American, or Korean-American??

Nope. Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to give up your individuality, your culture, etc. You can be however you want. But unless you were born in Africa and then moved to America then you aren't African American. I don't consider myself a European American. I was born he and that makes me American. Am I less of an individual because I just consider myself American? Do I have less culture because I'm just American? No and no.

When i replied, I had assumed that you meant for him to pick something else on his application... what do you suggest he pick?? American is not a choice... I am American, but I am an Egyptian American.... the word American is often confused with white... and yes, that may not be so true over here in America, but it is all around the world.. You don't have to say European American because that is the connotation that comes along w/ American, since the majority of America is from Europe... but somebody that is not white/european cannot answer a question about their RACE by saying American... they have to imply Egyptian/African/Latino/Asian... American just does not anser the question of race, which is what Glen here is asking about...


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I personally think it's retarded that everyone labels themselves by where their ancestors came from. I myself would check other and write American but if that doesn't suffice she should check other and write in Egyptian-American.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001

<< I personally think it's retarded that everyone labels themselves by where their ancestors came from. I myself would check other and write American but if that doesn't suffice she should check other and write in Egyptian-American. >>

labeling is the wrong word to use here i think... I dont label myself.. if asked where I'm from I'll tell them, I was born in California, lived there for 6months.. moved to Kansas for two years.., moved to Japan, lived there for 15 years.. am now living in Georgia and attending Georgia Tech.. you tell me where I am from.. but then they ask, ok, but i mean, where are YOU from, implying, what race are you, because they can tell that I'm not white, but they're not sure what country my skin color and looks come from... so, Egypt would be a proper reply to that... so when somebody asks, where are you from, or something like that to me at least, they usually mean, where do i get my looks from...


Golden Member
Dec 20, 2000
The only people that can rightfuly claim the word "American" are native americans. Everyone else is nonamerican.


Apr 28, 2000
I'm not saying it is good or bad or changes anything, but if you are "African-American" or "Puerto-Rican" you can get into MOST medical schools in the US with lower grades and MCAT scores.

Even if you are Bill Cosby's kid and went to the best up East Boarding schools and Universities, you have an "application" advantage over let's say a Chinese Kid whose parents are FOB and don't speak English.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001

<< The only people that can rightfuly claim the word "American" are native americans. Everyone else is nonamerican. >>

Actually the Indians probably weren't the first Americans. The first Americans were probably the Fuegeans that originated from Australia. Almost all of them were killed off by the Indians.

<< labeling is the wrong word to use here i think... I dont label myself.. if asked where I'm from I'll tell them, I was born in California, lived there for 6months.. moved to Kansas for two years.., moved to Japan, lived there for 15 years.. am now living in Georgia and attending Georgia Tech.. you tell me where I am from.. but then they ask, ok, but i mean, where are YOU from, implying, what race are you, because they can tell that I'm not white, but they're not sure what country my skin color and looks come from... so, Egypt would be a proper reply to that... so when somebody asks, where are you from, or something like that to me at least, they usually mean, where do i get my looks from.. >>

You may not label yourself but quite a few people do. If someone asked me where I was from I would say I was born in New York because that's what I would take the question as meaning. If they asked where my family was originally from I would go through a little bit of my family history.