<< think thats a very dumb thing to say.. just because she wasnt born there, she loses her individuality, her culture, her entire history and way of life?? I dont think thats proper, or right.. I was born in America, grew up speaking Arabic while living in Japan.... was raised w/ the customs of an Egyptian..
what you're saying is not fair.. the koreans or japanese or chinese here.. if they were born in the United States, they are no longer Japanese-American, or Chines-American, or Korean-American?? >>
Nope. Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to give up your individuality, your culture, etc. You can be however you want. But unless you were born in Africa and then moved to America then you aren't African American. I don't consider myself a European American. I was born he and that makes me American. Am I less of an individual because I just consider myself American? Do I have less culture because I'm just American? No and no. >>
When i replied, I had assumed that you meant for him to pick something else on his application... what do you suggest he pick?? American is not a choice... I am American, but I am an Egyptian American.... the word American is often confused with white... and yes, that may not be so true over here in America, but it is all around the world.. You don't have to say European American because that is the connotation that comes along w/ American, since the majority of America is from Europe... but somebody that is not white/european cannot answer a question about their RACE by saying American... they have to imply Egyptian/African/Latino/Asian... American just does not anser the question of race, which is what Glen here is asking about...