Quickie--Soundblaster Live! Value -- 4.1 support?


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?



Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Yes it'll work... I'm currently using the same sound card with the Z-560 and it works just fine


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
Great to hear about the card working with this kind of setup.

I am new to this "Audio stuff" so my question might seem silly but, do you get all the sound effects when watching DVD's with your 4.1 setup and Soundblaster Live!? I mean like... lets say there is a scene where a plane flies by and you only hear it on the rear speakers and they fade from left to right...? Or does each speaker just make the same sounds?

Also, what made you choose between the Z-560's and say Z-540 which cost 2.5 times less?

Thanks for info!


Moderator<br>A/V & Home Theater<br>Elite member
Aug 6, 2001
Well, I had a sound blaster Live! with z-560s too.

It was true 4.1 surround, not all the speakers made the same sound.

I chose the z-560s because they totally rock heh. I chose the z-560s because they're 400 watts, can put out something like 113 decibles, and look cooler. I honestly hadn't heard any logitech speakers before I bought mine, but after the fact I've gone and tested various computer speaker sets. The z-340s I've heard, but not the z-540s or z-640s. I'd assume the sound quality is very similar in those sets since as far as I know, the sub and speakers are the same (except for the center one on the z-640s).

The z-340 and it's cousins are a great value and if I was on a tighter budget, I would have gotten the z-540s probably. The z-560s are simply amazing though. If you have the money for them I don't think you'll regret getting them.

I have since switched to a turtle beach santa cruz, but they sounded great on the sb Live! value as well.

Have fun with whatever you decide to get.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?


You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.


Sep 18, 2000
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?


You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.

There are Live! line of cards that has 5.1 support.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
Thanks for all the info. I will have to make a trip to the local BB and see if there is a big difference in sound quality b/w 540's and 560's. I am not so concerned about how loud they can go, but more so about sound quality (high's, low's ect)

One more question, since my current SB live! value can do 4.1 but not 5.1, if I got the 5.1 speakers would they just work in 4.1 mode, meaning 1 speaker would not work? Or would the entire setup not work properly?



Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
If you're looking for good highs, lows and mids, the 560's aren't the best. People like them cause they're loud and super bassy .. but I've heard that they're not so great as far as mids and highs are concerned. I'm in the market for some speakers too and I still don't know which ones to get. I'm thinkiing of the creative soundworks fps2000 digital .. which I can get for 108 CND .. they're not nearly as powerful as the logitechs, but they have good sound quality apparently and they are half as much as the logitechs. I have a small bedroom for a workstation so I don't need 400 watts.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?


You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.

I have a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer 5.1 sitting in my desk..



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: CadetLee
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?
You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.
I have a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer 5.1 sitting in my desk..




Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2000
SB Live, SB Live Value is 4.0 by analog output.
SB Live X-gamer, MP3+, Platinum is 4.0 by analog output.
only SB Live X-gamer 5.1, MP3+ 5.1, Platinum 5.1 is 5.1 by analog output.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: thorin
Originally posted by: CadetLee
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?
You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.
I have a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer 5.1 sitting in my desk..


Hmm, perhaps I should clearify. Of course there are Live! 5.1 family sound cards that are 5.1 capable. However, there are no Live! family cards that are capable of 5.1 surround sound. I'm guessing you guys didn't understand what I meant by "family"

EDIT: By "family" I was not referring to the main sound chip running the card. Instead, I was referring to the various packages of the said cards (value, x-gamer, mp3+, platinum)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hmmm that's interesting as far as I can recall I've never seen the SB Live 5.1 advertised as a Live2, Audigy, or Audigy2. Everywhere I've seen it listed as the SB Live! 5.1 which would lead me to believe that it was part of the Live! family but perhaps Creative was wrong all along and their marketting department made a massive worldwide blunder that only you picked up on. :p



Senior member
Mar 22, 2000
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: thorin
Originally posted by: CadetLee
Originally posted by: MasterHoss
Originally posted by: Submit
Would my good old Soundblaster Live! Value work with the z-540 (4.1) or z-640 (5.1) speakers from Logitech? Or I am looking at upgrading the sound card as well?
You won't get 5.1 surround sound using the Live! Value (or any Live! family card). As stated earlier, it will work for any 4.1 speaker system.
I have a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer 5.1 sitting in my desk..


Hmm, perhaps I should clearify. Of course there are Live! 5.1 family sound cards that are 5.1 capable. However, there are no Live! family cards that are capable of 5.1 surround sound. I'm guessing you guys didn't understand what I meant by "family"

EDIT: By "family" I was not referring to the main sound chip running the card. Instead, I was referring to the various packages of the said cards (value, x-gamer, mp3+, platinum)

someone can't admit a mistake..


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2002
FYI: I run a Fortissimo II (4.1 support, 5.1 OPTICAL only support) using Promedia 2.1 and I have to say the sound is awesome, for music, movies, and games. For awhile I thought maybe I'm easily pleased but a friend who got his hands on a refurbished Promedia 5.1 set and has one of the Live 5.1 cards admitted-very bitterly-that my sound was better...go figure. Was going to upgrade but after that, I decided to stick with my setup. I get at least one complaint a week from neighbors so it must be a decent setup. Also the Fortissimo II and the much newer III have the best quality headphone support of any card, and I've read the III can be had for under 40 dollars and is 7.1 compliant...!


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
Thanks again for all the information.

I have narrowed my choices to

Klipsch ProMedia 4.1 5-Piece Speaker System


Logitech 4.1 Surround Sound Speaker System (5-Piece)

Both are priced @ $199 so price isn't an issue. I will be going again to try to listen for which sound better to me. Any opinions on what each of the speaker sets is better at?

FYI: I run a Fortissimo II (4.1 support, 5.1 OPTICAL only support) using Promedia 2.1 and I have to say the sound is awesome, for music, movies, and games. For awhile I thought maybe I'm easily pleased but a friend who got his hands on a refurbished Promedia 5.1 set and has one of the Live 5.1 cards admitted-very bitterly-that my sound was better...go figure. Was going to upgrade but after that, I decided to stick with my setup. I get at least one complaint a week from neighbors so it must be a decent setup. Also the Fortissimo II and the much newer III have the best quality headphone support of any card, and I've read the III can be had for under 40 dollars and is 7.1 compliant...!

Will either one of these speaker sets sound better/worse with a Soundblaster Live! Value vs a Fortissimo card?



Golden Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Submit
Thanks again for all the information.

I have narrowed my choices to

Klipsch ProMedia 4.1 5-Piece Speaker System


Logitech 4.1 Surround Sound Speaker System (5-Piece)

Both are priced @ $199 so price isn't an issue. I will be going again to try to listen for which sound better to me. Any opinions on what each of the speaker sets is better at?

FYI: I run a Fortissimo II (4.1 support, 5.1 OPTICAL only support) using Promedia 2.1 and I have to say the sound is awesome, for music, movies, and games. For awhile I thought maybe I'm easily pleased but a friend who got his hands on a refurbished Promedia 5.1 set and has one of the Live 5.1 cards admitted-very bitterly-that my sound was better...go figure. Was going to upgrade but after that, I decided to stick with my setup. I get at least one complaint a week from neighbors so it must be a decent setup. Also the Fortissimo II and the much newer III have the best quality headphone support of any card, and I've read the III can be had for under 40 dollars and is 7.1 compliant...!

Will either one of these speaker sets sound better/worse with a Soundblaster Live! Value vs a Fortissimo card?


I had to ask around on that last one since I don't have much experience with speaker/soundcard configurations, but I was told invariably that the Fortissimmo II or III would do either speaker set greater justice than the Soundblaster Live! Value card, probably owing to the Fortissimmo's universal equalizer which is incredibly effective, and very accurately modulated according to a musician buddy of mine. There's a review of it here:


I heard the Fortissimmo III uses the same chip so it's basically the same card but with 7.1 support. But if you can snag it for under 50 bucks I don't think you'll regret it. Hope this helps!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2001
Read what I'm saying carefully. Wrong? Hardly, you guys just are misunderstanding what I mean. Since Creative did a good job of releasing a Live! series card and a Live! 5.1 series card, I can understand the confusion of my posts. Perhaps I should've said "series" instead of "family." Either way, I was referring to the various retail flavors of the Live! and the Live! 5.1 cards. Again, although the Live! and Live! 5.1 use the same sound chip, it is only the Live! 5.1 "series" or "family" (however you want to think of it) cards that support 5.1 surround sound.

So tell me again where I'm wrong.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2000
SB Live and SB Live Value (these 2 are the first generation SB Live family/series) only have 2 analog output jacks = 4 channels,
but you can use spdif outout jack connected to hi-fi amplifier or speakers with built-in AC3/DTS decoder to get DD/DTS = 6 channels.

Back to the original question - SB Live Value 4.1 support?
If you're using the 4 channels analog output from SB Live Value to 4.1 or 5.1 analog input only speakers, you're really just getting 4.0 surround sound, the other 2 channels are fake surround.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
If you're using the 4 channels analog output from SB Live Value to 4.1 or 5.1 analog input only speakers, you're really just getting 4.0 surround sound, the other 2 channels are fake surround.

Kingofcomputer, can you explain this a bit more for me?

Are you saying that my sound card will not work properly with a 4.1 setup?



Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Submit
If you're using the 4 channels analog output from SB Live Value to 4.1 or 5.1 analog input only speakers, you're really just getting 4.0 surround sound, the other 2 channels are fake surround.

Kingofcomputer, can you explain this a bit more for me?

Are you saying that my sound card will not work properly with a 4.1 setup?

Well, in a true 4.1 setup, you would have an input for the subwoofer, and the normal Live card doesn't have a dedicated subwoofer output. However,I'm not aware of any 4 speaker + subwoofer computer package where there is a dedicated subwoofer input. They all only require front right, left and rear right, left connections and use the builtin bass management to pass the low frequency signals to the subwoofer.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Accord99
Originally posted by: Submit
If you're using the 4 channels analog output from SB Live Value to 4.1 or 5.1 analog input only speakers, you're really just getting 4.0 surround sound, the other 2 channels are fake surround.

Kingofcomputer, can you explain this a bit more for me?

Are you saying that my sound card will not work properly with a 4.1 setup?

Well, in a true 4.1 setup, you would have an input for the subwoofer, and the normal Live card doesn't have a dedicated subwoofer output. However,I'm not aware of any 4 speaker + subwoofer computer package where there is a dedicated subwoofer input. They all only require front right, left and rear right, left connections and use the builtin bass management to pass the low frequency signals to the subwoofer.
Don't you mean output(s)?
