Quick ref: EDO vs SDRAM

Mark R

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It depends what you are doing. If you are running Windows 95 or later, then 128 will be better in most situations. The excpetion is if you are running a few small programs.

RAM speed has little overall impact on the speed of a computer system mainly due to the use of cache memory by the CPU.

However, if you are running out of physical memory and resorting to virtual memory, then there is a very severe drop in performance.


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2000


I think you have to use one or the other, depending on your mobo. EDO is an ananchronistic form of memory in comparison to new PC's.

This is from the Computer Desktop Encyclopedia:

(Synchronous DRAM) A type of dynamic RAM memory that is faster than EDO RAM. SDRAM interleaves two or more internal memory arrays so that while one array is being accessed, the next one is being prepared for access. Random access times are the same as EDO RAM, but SDRAM's burst mode obtains the second and subsequent, contiguous characters at a rate of 10ns, some five to six times faster than the first character.