Quick Question on network comps. All is well, more ?'s though!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999

I just joined a few days ago and have a 2nd PC here at work I can put SETI on, problem is it isn't on the net and we don't do modem sharing here.

So I was wondering if it would be possible to do this?

In other words can the client dump the WUs to a file or to my office machine so I can transmit them??

If not I suppose I could see about setting up modem sharing. :)

Please lmk, I am on my way home to install the CLI on my machine there.


Rob <Ishmael2k>


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Create two different folders on your internet accessible machine. Suggestion: Seti@Home-Home and Seti@Home-Work

Fill each folder with the CLI, SetiDriver. Do one folder at a time. With the Seti@Home-Home folder and SetiDriver CLOSED...open your SetiDriver in the Seti@Home-Work folder and get it to startup and cache however many WUs you think you'll need. Once it has finished all the caching you can stop SetiDriver and then copy the whole folder to media. A Seti@Home-Work folder with 10 cached WUs will be approximately 2.5 MB so you need to plan accordingly. If you have a zip drive you would be good to go for as many as you want. If you are limited to just using floppies you might have to only do 3 Cached WUs (uncompressed).

That's how I'd go about it. I'm sure others here who actually have to do the same thing will have even better ideas. ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Cool, I think I get it. :Q

Since they are networked, the size of the folder wouldn't matter. I can just move it to the other machine, run it until it is full and then bring it back and transmit/receive from my office machine?

If this sounds right I'll do it tomorrow at work, I will ask if I can drop the client on a couple of other machines that do have net access also but won't hold my breath.. :eek:



PS Maybe I was a bit confusing in my original post, the machines are networked together, the other one I know I can use just dose not have a modem.


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Yes, I'm a little confused.

It sounds like you are good to go whether I'm clear or not. :)

Do you have one networked machine that cannot get to the internet and another networked machine (same LAN) that can get to the internet both at work? Or is your home machine on the same LAN as your work machine? Obviously from my questions, I fuzzy. ;)

I read your first message as if you had an internet capable machine at home and a non-internet capable machine at work.

BTW, I just followed my own directions and I'm sorry to report that 3 cached WUs and SetiDriver comes to 1.5 MB and therefore won't fit on a floppy unless you use compression. I'll file that away for my own future reference. :)



Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999

Well I'm sure it was my fault if you are confused.. :D

Ok, here goes:

We have a small net at work (7 PCs) several of them have their own modems, including mine. We each use our own dialup etc. The machine I know I can use (I built it (PII/400) and it just sits idle 6 days a week) does not have a modem and I am not up on how to enable it to use mine. (If even possible, I am the only one running W2K and had some issues with file sharing etc.) But as long as I can move the folder back and forth from that machine to mine on the LAN I am fine with that.

If there is a simple solution to allow that machine to access my modem/dialup I am all ears!! :p

Thanks for the quick replies and looking forward to boosting my WU per day as quick as I can!



Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
You are good to go with my recommendations in you current situation. Be sure you name the two folders in a fashion that will keep you from getting them mixed up. ;)

When you want to upload completed WUs from the non-internet pc just copy the whole folder over to the internet pc and start up SetiDriver. Hit that TRANSMIT button and when it's done, shut it down and move that folder back to the non-internet machine. :)

If I was you, I'd asslaminate ;) those other work machines. :D


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
They are networked, right? Install SetiQueue on the internet machine, then install SetiDriver on the non-internet machine. Select Proxy server on SetiDriver and just point it at your internet machine's NIC. The fetching and flushing will be automatic, no need to move folders around.


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
There you go ishmael2k , a much better idea. That's why I wrote, " I'm sure others here who actually have to do the same thing will have even better ideas.

Thanks JimMc and please stand by if he needs some help doing what you suggested. ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Cool! :cool:

I'll see about getting and installing SetiQue on my office machine tomorrow!

Thanks for the help!

I'll let you all know how it goes.

Plus I will be trying to get the rest of the pcs on also!



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
If you need help setting it up I'll be around, but pretty much you just install it and leave it with the default settings. I would suggest though that you point it to OK's proxy (orangekid.teamanandteam.com:5001) and you edit the client.ini file so that this "s@h/SweetWorkUnit=FALSE" reads like this "s@h/SweetWorkUnit=TRUE".

Also you company could save some money if they set up a multi-link account with their ISP and designated one comupter as a moden sever.:)


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Smokeball has summoned me, but it seems Baldy was on duty! :D:D

Let us know if you have any problems. Once you get that up, I'm probably going to suggest you also run SetiSpy also, it's great for checking on your remote PC without having to be caught by your boss messing around on the remopte unit. ;) I was going to link him to Sukhoi, where'd that dasm thread go? :confused:


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Jim, I've found that it's who you know that beats what you know every time. ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999

Thanks guys. I'll get the program setup and running tomorrow sometime. I may or may not use the SetiSpy, I have no problems with my boss on this. Add to that the fact that the machine in question is idle the entire week and only a short distance from my office means I will have no problems setting it up and checking on it.

Thanks again for all the help, I'll holler if I run into any snags and will let you all know once things are up and running! :D



Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2001
There is another solution that would give you internet access on the other machine. You could download analogx from analogx.com. Its pretty easy to set up and works. You only have to set it up on the pc that has internet access, and change a setting in the other pc.

Just a thought.

Welcom to the TeAm!!!!!!!!!!



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Sygate is another program that works like analogx. You jsut install it on the computer with the internet connection and then you don't even have to have it running. I use it at my house and it works pretty good I guess. I forget where you get it from though.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hi all,

Well I got SetiQ running, I "think" I have it all set up correctly. At least the 2nd machine was able to access through it and get the WUs I wanted loaded on it.

Looks like it will be a 2 unit per day machine. With my other two that should bring me up to 7-8 units per day right now. This will go up next week when I upgrade my home machine from a PIII/650 to a PIII/900-1g.

It looks good for getting a couple of the other machines here also. Both would be Cel 550s. I doubt I'll be able to grab the Cel II 850 I just built for the main office though :(

Anyway, I want to thank everybody that has helped me so far!! :) :)

I'll stay in touch and will be spending more time in this forum from now on! :D



Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Ok it looks like I am not going to reach the magic 8 WUs a day until I gather some more machines.. Right now 5 looks more in line.. :(

I am going to assimilate a Cel 550 tomorrow and my upgrade is going ahead for my PIII 650. I amy even be able to re-assimilate the 650 whan I rebuild it for a good friend Saturday.. :D

I do have a question though. I have set SetiQ for a d/l of 10 WUs and both of my (so far only 2) clients to cache 1 each. Does this sound reasonable?? With the setup at work right now that means if I leave it at auto it will flush the units about once every 3 days..

Any suggestions??

BTW here are my current setups:

Cel II/566 @ 850 with 512mb ram and W2k (This one is going home this weekend and will be replace by a PIII @ 900+ 512mb and 2k)
Cel 366@550 with 128mb ram and 98SE (Will be MINE tomorrow!)
PII 400 with 96mb ram and 98SE

PIII 650 with 256mb Ram and 98SE (This one is getting replaced by the 850 above minus 256mb ram but keeping 2k)

I got the bug and am going to try and get to 10 per day by the end of the month!

Thanks again for all the help!!



Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
Personally, I have SetiQueue cache enough leads for 4 days, and then each system caches enough leads for 1.5-2 days. That way, I have a few days' buffer if the Seti servers/OK's proxy go down, and each computer has a little bit of leeway in case the local network goes down. I also have my Q flush every night so that I get a steady flow of stats ;) and so I know that the Q is always full in case of a problem.

It's entirely up to you how you want to do it, but that's my personal preference...


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
So can you set the Q up to flush every night or do you have to do it manually??

This sounds fairly close to what I want to achieve also.

Thanks for the quick response..

Woohoo I see I moved up 41 places yesterday... :D



Junior Member
Apr 9, 2001
You can set up SetiQ to connect at certain times of the day automatically. You set this up through the Queue processing settings.



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Just go to the queue server settings and uncheck manual connect. Then all you have to do is select the start and end times of when you want it to connect. I have mine set to be connected all except for 1 minute a day so that I get real time results. For a work Q you might want it to connect at night so that it doesn't disrupt you during business hours, especially since it is a 56k connection.