Quick Question for a doctor in the house about a blood test


Senior member
Oct 28, 2000
I just had a blood test for a physical this morning. My doctor told me not to eat anything the morning of the blood test, which I did, I didn't eat anything. But, I had a sandwich before I went to bed (I'm always very hungry before I go to bed). About 8 or 9 hours passed before I had my blood drawn.

On my out of the lab though, I noticed a flier saying I needed to fast for 12 hours. I didn't think anything of it until I was on my home. Do you think enough time went by before my test as to not throw off my results?

I'll probably call my doctor's office tomorrow, but I wanted to see if anyone knew offhand.


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: CrimsonWolf
I just had a blood test for a physical this morning. My doctor told me not to eat anything the morning of the blood test, which I did, I didn't eat anything. But, I had a sandwich before I went to bed (I'm always very hungry before I go to bed). About 8 or 9 hours passed before I had my blood drawn.

On my out of the lab though, I noticed a flier saying I needed to fast for 12 hours. I didn't think anything of it until I was on my home. Do you think enough time went by before my test as to not throw off my results?

I'll probably call my doctor's office tomorrow, but I wanted to see if anyone knew offhand.

meh, close enough


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
If they say 12 they mean 12.

Call the MD office and explain what happened.


Senior member
Oct 28, 2000
Originally posted by: DeathBUA
Meh 8 hours is usually good enough....what test was it for anyways?

The doctor said it was mainly for blood cell counts and cholesterol as a part of my physical. My copy of prescription lists comprehensive health panel, lipid profile, cbc, psa, and T7-TSH for the exact tests.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Eh 8 hours should be plenty for a lipid profile, especially just a sandwich...the rest dont matter concerning food AFAIK


Golden Member
Nov 17, 1999
Um no 8 is NOT good enough. I'm no doctor but I have my blood "tasted" every 6 months for my triglycerides and such. According to my doctor sometimes 12 hours is not enough but can get most people by. It also matters what you ate. A sandwich will most likely show up and can look like high sugar levels.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Gand1
Um no 8 is NOT good enough. I'm no doctor but I have my blood "tasted" every 6 months for my triglycerides and such. According to my doctor sometimes 12 hours is not enough but can get most people by. It also matters what you ate. A sandwich will most likely show up and can look like high sugar levels.

Unless he was insulin dependant he wouldnt have high sugar levels 8 hours later...and besides some/most insulin dependant diabetes take insulin before they goto bed depending on their sugar levels.

We do lipid panels in the hospital all the time and I can tell you most of them(patients) probably ate within 8 hours, generally they are looking more if your levels of trigly's, LDL, HDL etc are uber high, or if you have early signs of hypertryglyceridemia/hypercholestroemia and can also help detect possible heart issues as well