Originally posted by: Kibbo
Wow, maybe my delivery was off.
Problem is that your joke requires the reader to connect Bush with being or claiming to be Jesus-like, which doesn't fit with any of his stereotypes (being religious doesn't match up with thinking you're Jesus).
See, if you'd said something like:
...he was practicing his inauguration speech and sprained his tongue
At least some people would laugh, because Bush has a reputation for misspeaking, often quite badly, so the reader would understand that using "big words" could (almost) cause him injury.
It would also have made sense to comically exaggerate one of his other stereotypes and failings, including:
* is not too bright
* is not well informed (doesn't read papers or watch TV news)
* has trouble with snack foods (choked on pretzel)
* can't admit to making mistakes
* thinks he is Emperor of the world
But thinking he's Jesus-like is not one of his (reported) failings, at least not in the US.