Quick dumb newb question on AX7


Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
So the washer thingie rest on the top of the heatsink so the fan doesn't touch the heatsink? Wont they get hot and melt or something? Also should I have my fan blowing air onto the sink or sucking air out?


Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
Also it say it uses the 3 prong clip thingie, which I've used a one prong before but I've never used one that required the use of a screw driver, how do I go about using that?


1957 - 2008<br>Elite Moderator Emeritus<br>Troll H
Oct 9, 1999
The washers are meant to go between the fan and heatsink, I doubt they'd melt at top because most of the heat is nearer the bottom. Mine never have anyway. You don't really need to use them unless you have a bad vibrating fan. All the ones I used I could never hear a difference with or without the washers.

The fan should be blowing air into the heatsink.

Before installing the ax7 try a few flathead screwdrivers and use one that best fits the front slot on the clip. You want it very secure to where it will not slip out when fitting the clip on the mobo. Using a wrong size screwdriver could mean a slip, and that could mean sayonara mobo. The part that has a slot for a flathead screwdriver is the front. Gently attach the rear clip over the rear mobo catches, while keeping one finger on that rear clip to keep it in place lower the heatsink on the cpu evenly so the front clip is aligned with the front mobo catches, then insert the flathead screwdriver in the slot and guide the clip on the front 3 mobo catches. Some force will be needed. Go slow and you shouldn't have any problems. ;)

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
aolsuxs, I have the washers installed on my AX-7 and while I run high CPU temps, currently 65C under full load, my system is stable and the washers have not melted one bit.

In my experience, having the fan "blow" works better than having the fan "suck." :)

As for the 3 prong clip install, follow blades instructions, you'll do just fine.

Don't forget, if at all possible, use AS3 and not any thermal pads as you will see better CPU temps, hope this helps :)