Quick Camera Question


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
Kind of a n00bish question:

I'm traveling this summer and I do plan on printing (Costco!) photos I take. I just bought a new camera (TZ5k) which can shoot in conventional 4:3 and 16:9 (among other formats). Aside from shooting 'wide' instead of 'tall' what other benefits are there? Will I have a problem printing 16:9 photos because of the 'unconventional' ratio or are all photos cropped and rotated when printed?



Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
I don't use wide on mine, because all it does it chop off the top and bottom. I could do that with a crop if I really wanted.

(I have a Canon, not sure how your camera handles this)
Feb 6, 2007
If you're taking the film into Costco to be developed, you'll have no problem printing 16x9. If you bought Photo paper for your printer, then 16x9 could give you some problems, but I imagine the software would know how to deal with that (it's becoming a fairly ubiquitous standard). The only other issue I could see would be frames (I don't know about you, but I don't have a single 16x9 frame in my house) or photo albums (same problem). But I'd probably elect to shoot wide if given the option; panoramic shots always look cooler.

-EDIT- Oh, and what sswingle said; if all it's doing is cropping the picture, then forget it, you can do that with Photoshop if you really want to (and you can add a giraffe while you're at it, cause everyone loves giraffes).


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2006
Originally posted by: LASTGUY2GETPS2
Kind of a n00bish question:

I'm traveling this summer and I do plan on printing (Costco!) photos I take. I just bought a new camera (TZ5k) which can shoot in conventional 4:3 and 16:9 (among other formats). Aside from shooting 'wide' instead of 'tall' what other benefits are there? Will I have a problem printing 16:9 photos because of the 'unconventional' ratio or are all photos cropped and rotated when printed?


Stick with 4:3. Most likely the 16:9 is basically a crop of the 4:3 shots. Also, printing will, most likely, have issues.



Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
Yeah, I'm sure its cropping part of your sensor off to get the different ratios. Use the camera default. Another option is to take a picture with each of the settings and see which has the largest number of pixels.

Edit: ohh and what are you going to do with these pictures? cheap 4:3 frames are a little harder to find in all sizes. :)


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Alyx
Yeah, I'm sure its cropping part of your sensor off to get the different ratios. Use the camera default. Another option is to take a picture with each of the settings and see which has the largest number of pixels.

Edit: ohh and what are you going to do with these pictures? cheap 4:3 frames are a little harder to find in all sizes. :)

I plan on printing these photos. The camera does have an option of taking all aspect ratios with one shutter click but I would rather save camera space. =)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Kirby64
Originally posted by: LASTGUY2GETPS2
Kind of a n00bish question:

I'm traveling this summer and I do plan on printing (Costco!) photos I take. I just bought a new camera (TZ5k) which can shoot in conventional 4:3 and 16:9 (among other formats). Aside from shooting 'wide' instead of 'tall' what other benefits are there? Will I have a problem printing 16:9 photos because of the 'unconventional' ratio or are all photos cropped and rotated when printed?


Stick with 4:3. Most likely the 16:9 is basically a crop of the 4:3 shots. Also, printing will, most likely, have issues.

iirc for all the compact cameras that feature a 16:9 mode the 4:3 (usually a 3:2 mode, not sure how many have a 4:3 mode) is actually a crop of 16:9.

i really hate still cameras moving to 16:9. square format is so much better as it uses the maximum amount of image circle and allows the most cropping freedom. should have moved there from 3:2. heck, movie film isn't 16:9 either, it's 3:2 and uses funny lenses ('anamorphic') to cram in more information horizontally than otherwise.


May 1, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
iirc for all the compact cameras that feature a 16:9 mode the 4:3 (usually a 3:2 mode, not sure how many have a 4:3 mode) is actually a crop of 16:9.

i really hate still cameras moving to 16:9. square format is so much better as it uses the maximum amount of image circle and allows the most cropping freedom. should have moved there from 3:2. heck, movie film isn't 16:9 either, it's 3:2 and uses funny lenses ('anamorphic') to cram in more information horizontally than otherwise.

P&S cameras are generally 4:3. The easy way to check is to see how many megapixels you get from a 4:3 shot and a 16:9 shot. In the case of the OP (base on the pictures he posted), that's 11.3 MP and 7.75 MP, respectively. Thus the camera natively shoots in 4:3.

SLR cameras are generally 3:2 since that is the same as 35mm film. That's the reason why 4x6 is so popular. Most larger print sizes are based off of medium/large format negative size (4x5 ratio primarily).


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
Hmm...so if I plan on printing 4*6 taking photos in the 3:2 ratio would result in minimum distortion. Thanks. I wonder why then 4:3 is the general standard....

EDIT: Oooooooooooh 4:3, the conventional monitor standard! Duh.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: eelw
Originally posted by: LASTGUY2GETPS2
I just bought a new camera (TZ5k)

Nice camera. Also thinking about picking it up.

I'm enjoying it. If you want any picture/video samples let me know. I've had the thing for a day and I'm enjoying it a lot. Let's see how it handles when I travel!