Quick and easy question regarding NTFS and FAT


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
Hiya guys

If I boot up from a NTFS partition, can I access FAT (FAT32) partitions? I understand you can't read NTFS from FAT, can you do it the other way tho?




Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000

<< Yes, WinNT can read FAT32. >>



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
READ THE FAQs PEOPLE! They are at the top of every forum page for a reason.

Since you are obviously too stupid to find the FAQ yourself (or post this lousy question in the correct forum) Ill link it for you:

And you arent even a stupid newbie... I swear stupid oldies are the worst!


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001

<< Yes you can... Its the other way round that you cannot >>

You didnt read the FAQ either did you?

Different file systems can coexist on the same computer or even the same hard drive. When this is the case it is important to remember that the two disks, or partitions, do not "access" each other or communicate with each other in any way. There is no such thing as one file system being "compatible" with another file system. All reading and writing operations are handled by the operating system, NOT the file system. All a file system does is organize the data on the disk. In some cases, such as with NTFS, the file system may offer security, encryption, or other features. However the operating system is still responsible for interpreting the information stored on the partition or disk no matter what file system is used.

Come on morons. Read for once. Forget about your postcount and STFU if you dont know :)


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000

<< READ THE FAQs PEOPLE! They are at the top of every forum page for a reason.

Since you are obviously too stupid to find the FAQ yourself (or post this lousy question in the correct forum) Ill link it for you:

And you arent even a stupid newbie... I swear stupid oldies are the worst!

Steady there mate. Don't bust a nut over a simple question. Sheesh

'Lousy question'???? So, I didn't know the answer, I asked, big fvcking deal! Who are you go tell me if it's 'lousy' or not. Heck, I've answered questions on here that I considered basic, doesn't mean I thought them 'lousy' You're supposed to be an elite member, how about you show it instead stooping to personal 'attacks'.

As for the FAQ, so I didn't think of it. No need to resort to what you did, a simple polite answer would have sufficed.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Its the opertating system that can read partitions, not filesystems.

WinNT supports Fat16 and NTFS (HPFS also?) (It doesnt support Fat32.. Unless they added that in SP3 or better.. I dont know if they did though)
Win2k supports Fat16, Fat32 and NTFS
WinXP supports Fat16, Fat32 and NTFS.

Doesnt matter which one you boot off of, your OS can still read all supported types of filesystems.

Its non NT based OS's that cannot read NTFS (at least without some type of third party programs..)


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001


<< READ THE FAQs PEOPLE! They are at the top of every forum page for a reason.

Since you are obviously too stupid to find the FAQ yourself (or post this lousy question in the correct forum) Ill link it for you:

And you arent even a stupid newbie... I swear stupid oldies are the worst!

Steady there mate. Don't bust a nut over a simple question. Sheesh

'Lousy question'???? So, I didn't know the answer, I asked, big fvcking deal! Who are you go tell me if it's 'lousy' or not. Heck, I've answered questions on here that I considered basic, doesn't mean I thought them 'lousy' You're supposed to be an elite member, how about you show it instead stooping to personal 'attacks'.

As for the FAQ, so I didn't think of it. No need to resort to what you did, a simple polite answer would have sufficed.

Yes, it would have "sufficed," but a quick attack would show you to atleast read the friggin FAQs before posting a quetion that has been asked and answered a million times. There are FAQs and a search function for a reason. Learn to use them moron. Oh, and because it is answered in the FAQs and quite a few threads, I do consider this a lousy question.

EDIT: One last thing, I dont think you could make me "bust a nut." A gut maybe, but definitely not a nut.