Questions on network install for FaD


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm heading out to my remote office today to get more than a dozen computers online and crunching. I'd like to do this using a network install, but I have a couple of questions.

Two of the computers at the site have already been crunching for a few days because I can access them remotely and the server has been queuing nothing but large j2-1qm3-q3 CJD jobs for them. This is a good thing as the two PCs running so far are fast ones. However, there are several slow computers in the office and I definitely do not want them touching these big jobs or they'll take weeks to complete.

If I set individual clients to not pull CJD jobs during the network setup, will that change only affect the single clients or will it affect all clients attached to the network install folder? I want to keep a few clients away from the CJD project (or just away from the big jobs if that is possible) but I'd like to let the fast PCs keep downloading the big ones at the same time...


Oct 10, 1999
Just did a quick test and it appears that if you drop projects from the client machine, they won't be run on any of the clients served by that same server. Now, that said, that makes sense since, to run a client from a remote server, you are invoking the fadsetup.exe from the server :) You could always set up two servers... one for slower PCs and one for faster ones! :)


Senior member
Nov 7, 2004
I have noticed the same thing for the system tray icon. If you hide it on the server, it hides on all of the nodes.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'll think about the two server idea. In the meantime, I have another (annoying) question for you.. ;)

I have set up 12 new computers today at this office on top of the two that were already running here. The two previous PCs have been working on CJD jobs for a while, and three of the new PCs set up today picked up a Cancer job, but all others are working on "Unknown" project jobs. The three new ones that are doing Cancer work were not the first three I set up today and weren't even done at the same time so I'm not sure why they got 'legit' jobs and the others didn't.

Will the "Unknown" jobs still get credit for the work done and is there any way to find ouw what they are actually doing? And should those clients then download proper jobs when they finish? If not, what should I do to get them working properly?


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
Nevermind. After running for a few hours, FADSpy updated all of the "unknown" projects to HIV. :)


Senior member
Jun 28, 2004

I'd suggest two servers ... one for slow computers and one for FAST computers.

I'm in the process of doing that here in "Net Central" -- mostly because I'd like the averages for the CPU Rating for my nodes to be somewhat more accurate.
