question to skateboarders


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
I just went out to champs sports and bought a powell skateboard assembled...

I spend $124 and tax.

How is this board different than a $60 or $50 board? They look exactly the same, everything down to the way the bearings spin.

also, there is another champs in my area who had no luck selling skateboards, so they had my board on clearance for $39.99...

I missed out, but I hope that the one in my area won't have the same problem, if so, I think I will return it for store credit, and then when they do go out of business, I will buy it and save like $80.

But again, there is no way to know.

So back to my other post, do you have any suggestions?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
better board construction, more solid. better spring in the board, better bearings, wheels etc.


Oct 11, 1999
Cool, I wonder if Champs has any of the old school boards left, you know, the bigger ones like Tony Hawk's original and the likes.

Trust me, there's a BIG difference. GMN (German type) or NMB bearings alone are about 25- $30.00 a set and last a lot longer and are quieter, more precise, lighter and smoother. The board is probably not an inch thick which makes it lighter and better for grabs and if I'm not mistaken, you probably have Independent or Gulwing trucks which add $60.00 right there and are just more durable and believe me, cheapies break easily. A good set of wheels wont fall off the bearings in a month and are designed for ramp or street depending on hardness. Good ones are about 30-50.00 depending on brand.

Last of all, you probably won't be laughed out of your local skate park for having a Variflex or a Nash! Geez, are those companies still around? :D


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2000
ha ha ha, my other skateboard was a variflex...

my skateboard has a

Powell deck
Orion trucks
Bones wheels and bearings (with red ring around bearings)

then I saw a Voltage board. I hope someone heard of those.

It looks exactly the same, with the same amount of layers, and is flexible a bit when I stand on it. It has the same spin time in the wheels, and stuff.

the board was on sale for $39.99 regular $49.99.
I don't know if I should get 3 of those or one of these. Help me out guys.


Oct 11, 1999
I found the biggest difference between a good board and a crap cheap one is the trucks. Those cheaps ones are heavy for the crap construction (yes Independent's are heavy but they are solid) and the bushings never get broken in and they hardly turn. The bearings are usually worst too. I've found the decks themselves to be so-so but don't have as much pop. The wheels on cheapies are usually rougher and louder.

Cheap ones are alright for your first time to decide whether or not you'll like it but after that I would no doubt get a good one.