Question regarding performance of some old Video Cards


Senior member
Dec 3, 2000
Like the title say's, even though its old, i was wondering whether or not 2 voodoo2 12mb SLI are better than my current STB Velocity 4400 (16mb PCI), as far as performance is concerned. See im trying to run half-life(counter-strike actually), and want a consistent FPS. So far I only get 25-30 FPS, so i was wondering if getting two voodoo2's SLI would make it a lot better? Or am i wasting my time, and should just completely upgrade the system? (Its a P2 300mhz, DONT LAUGH! :eek:)

Tell me what you guys think. Thanx


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
No AGP port for your P2? IMHO, it's not worth to run 2 V2 SLI if you need to buy them. Might as well get a cheap MX or ATI card, much better quality, and this way the card can still be used when you are getting a new system (well.. the cycle continues, old video card in new system...)