Question regarding DirectTv Dvr's


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
First off I hope that I put this in the correct place, if not let me know.

Secondly, my family signed up for DirectTv a few years ago. One DVR came with it and I purchased a second for $100. I am moving and am letting my fiance use the DVR.

My question is what does she need to do to add this to her service at home? It will replace a standard box that she is using now.

Any help would be awesome and let me know if more information is needed.



Golden Member
Apr 23, 2004
Is your dvr a leased unit? If you got the DVR in the past 2 years it is most likely a leased unit even though you paid $100 for the the unit. Call Directv and ask. If you own the DVR she would have to get a new card for the DVR to add it to her account. The cost of the card is $20. She would need two coax cables going to the unit if she wants to record one show and watch another. If you leave the DVR on your account she can use it at her place but your family would be paying the 4.99 a month for the second receiver.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2005
Are you canceling your DirecTV account? If so, you'll probably have to box up all your DVRs and receivers and send them back to DirecTV. Unless you paid $700 for the DVR, you leased it, as weadjust mentioned. When you lease it, there is never a point at which it changes from DirecTV's property to your own, which is why I think you'll have to send it back (assuming you're canceling your service).