Do Nforce2 boards work with non-paired RAM (i.e. a 256MB chip and a 512MB chip)? I'm assuming they still do...
IF so, what is the performance impact of not having paired RAM? I don't want to toss out my 512MB chip or buy another But I really want to overclock my 1700+
Should I just stick with my Gigabyte 7DXR+ for a while? Can I unlock the multipliers with this board? I seem to remember reading only Nforce2's can do that...other than the manual "pencil" method.
IF so, what is the performance impact of not having paired RAM? I don't want to toss out my 512MB chip or buy another But I really want to overclock my 1700+
Should I just stick with my Gigabyte 7DXR+ for a while? Can I unlock the multipliers with this board? I seem to remember reading only Nforce2's can do that...other than the manual "pencil" method.