Where to start?
In the past, Intel boxed HSFs spun at 4000-4500 RPM. The new ones will NEVER exceed 2500 RPM, no matter what, so 950 RPM is probably 'low-normal' for them. The fan speed is dependent on the CPU temp readings, via a M/B fan controller.
The only thing you can do, to help matters, is enable
SpeedStep, so called. You do this in the Windows Power Options Properties, specifically in the Power Scheme settings, by switching the scheme from 'Home/Office' to 'Portable/Laptop' -- and, of course, making sure SpeedStep is turned on in your M/B BIOS... This will drop down the processor clock speed when it's sitting idle, making your CPU run cooler, and allow you to get away with these new, slower fans speeds.
Personally, if it was me, I would dump that boxed HSF post-haste! Intel should be ashamed of themselves for putting that POS on 'Connies'...