question on Downloading Internet Explorer


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2001
I'm looking to download IE5.5 or 6 as a complete file, not as some stupid setup executable that has to download more files when you run it. Where where where? thanks in advance (btw you can do this for netscape 6, but the file ain't on netscape's site. I'm hoping there is a similar place to find these newer versions of ie)


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2001
text 1
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text 4

unfortunately, you have to download the setup and run it at least once, then you can burn it and save the download (yes, we all know that msie setup is very stupid).

you can always download netscape browsers from their websites. go to text 5



Golden Member
Jun 18, 2001
Good, I didn't know you had the option to download files without installing (I want to d/l from
from bro's system and burn me a cdr without bothering his pc).
As for Netscape,
if you try to download version 6 from their website, it will just d/l a stupid 200k n6setup.exe
which of course needs to d/l more files when run. Unless there's some 'secret' place on their site for the full install file.
Also, is there a program that will tell you what the files in your windows update system
folders do? For instance, I know I downloaded the Japanese language support, but I don't know which file it is. Same goes for things like vector graphics support, Thai, Korean, etc. Ideally, I'd like an alternative setup program to microsofts- one that automatically check marks all the components you have downloaded when you do a new install.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2001
you can get netscape 6 full install from here. no, it's not a "secret" place... just click on the "can't install netscape 6?" link on the left of the menu :)

as far as the files in windows update directory.... i don't know of a way to determine which file is what... you'll have to drop email to billy and ask him about that (heck, i doubt even he knows the answer ;) ). also while you're there, don't forget to tell him that he still hasn't returned my dreamcast yet ;)
