Good, I didn't know you had the option to download files without installing (I want to d/l from
from bro's system and burn me a cdr without bothering his pc).
As for Netscape,
if you try to download version 6 from their website, it will just d/l a stupid 200k n6setup.exe
which of course needs to d/l more files when run. Unless there's some 'secret' place on their site for the full install file.
Also, is there a program that will tell you what the files in your windows update system
folders do? For instance, I know I downloaded the Japanese language support, but I don't know which file it is. Same goes for things like vector graphics support, Thai, Korean, etc. Ideally, I'd like an alternative setup program to microsofts- one that automatically check marks all the components you have downloaded when you do a new install.