Question on Asus boards


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2004
I have been looking at the newegg reviews for the Asus motherboards 875/865pe i see some people with Antec Power supplies have problems with the combination of the 2. Does anyone have any info on this or does anyone have an Asus mb and an antec true 430 psu


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I have two systems with TruePower430's and Asus motherboards (one A7N8X Deluxe rev. 2 and one K8N-E Deluxe). Ok, I did give the A7N8X Deluxe rig to one of my sisters... :) Anyway, they work fine.

If there's any conceivable issue between a TruePower430 and an Asus board, my first guess would be that the RPM signal from the Antec's bottom fan is so low that the motherboard gets :confused: and won't POST from a cold start (my A7N8X Deluxe reacted to low-RPM fans like that sometimes). Solution: don't plug in the fan-monitoring wire in the first place (not like there's much point to it anyway).


Aug 25, 2004
I Agree, leave it unplugged. I never hah a problen with Antec and asus. Thats what i go with and recommend to people. I have an A7n8x non deluxe with a 330W true power and no probs since. Plus my new rig with a Asus k8vse deluxe works fine with a Smart power 400W them uent up to a 480w true power. And i'm buiding a rig with an Asus p4p8x deluxe, tested with true power 480w &amp; it works fine. Have a friend who used the p4p8x and the truepower 550w and its cool. Not exactly the true power 430 but they are true power ps's