question for the HVACR people.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
92 ford explorer 4.0L. Compresser was replaced few years back but now the rest of the system is leaking. how important is it that the evaporator,condensor, and accumliator are the exact ones that the factory put in? would it be ok if i picked up a roll of 3/8 inch copper tubing, then went to the junk yard and found something close to the same size of what was in there, and soldered them right in there. i'm sure i hafe a swedge die block etc around here somewhere. am i retarded for even thinking this. any input would be appreciated.


Senior member
May 24, 2001
There is a good chance you are leaking from the springlocks. maybe just a couple of bucks in o-rings and springlocks will save the day?????

But on another note, I read on, that someone put together an ac system in a car using swagelock fittings back in the seventies and it is still working to this day.

go to:



Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thats a pretty good idea plus you can always solder copper, but its a pain to solder aluminum. I imagine that you could replace the coils and accumulator (on this I would try to buy a new one) . You may want to take edfcmc's advice and try to replace the o- rings first to see if you can stop the leaks. That is usually the main problem. When you do any of this, will you have access to a vacuum pump? You need to remove all of the air and moisture from the system before you put the freon back in . Most people just dump more and more freon into the system and really foul it up(Freon and water tend to , over time, corrode the innards of a system and foul up the compressor) If the coils look about the same size, I see no problem doing this. One more thing: If you do get your coils from a junkyard, get them pressure tested at a radiator repair shop. It would most certainly suck to get the whole thing together and have to hunt for a damn leak.

Edit: For the record I used to be an a/c repairgoon in fla.

