Lol, well ok then, can't say I've ever trusted a salesperson myself but go right ahead. The R-15 is an SD non-tivo based and won't be available till late september, the HD-HMC (home media center) is non-tivo and wont' be available till around Jan next year. They still sell the R-10 (SD Tivo) and the HR10-250 which is the TIVO based HD reciever. The HD non-tivo reciever is going to be Mpeg-4 and they haven't even started broadcasting in mpeg-4 yet. BTW you can still request Tivo but the HD-Tivo is a dead end product as it won't support Mpeg-4 when they start broadcasting in Mpeg4.
I suggest you read up in the , DTIVO forum as there is plenty of info on there from people with inside connections.[/quote]
Cool, thanks. Not trying to be a hard-ass, it's just that I specifically requested a TiVo based receiver and the sales person said they don't have them anymore.