question about Winserver 2000 as file serverjoyo


Junior Member
May 8, 2002

I have three computers. A Windows Server 2000, WinXp and
Win 2000. I am using Road Runner cable to access
internet. A router is conected to Cable modem and assign
the dynamic ip to each computer. I intend to use my Win
Server 2000 as a file server. I don't care whether it can
access internet or not. I would like to give a safety way
to aovid the unauthorized access. The router is NetGear
314. There is a firewall software included in the router,
but I am not sure whether it is safe enough. I can not
give a specific ip address to each computer, otherwise I
can not access internet or each other.

Any suggestion is welcome. I appreciate you can help me
to figure them out.




Senior member
Jul 3, 2003
ok ,you can give your sever a static ip and have it reach the internet if you wanted to.

the router firewall shoudl be enough.

you don't need tto worry about the w2k(windows 2000) server beign reached form the internet unelss you open the ports on the router.

to avoid unauth'd access learn mroe about w2k security and users.

so what do you want advice on exactly?