if you add a credit card to your account, and you buy something through paypal, does it charge your card? Or do you have to add funds to the account first?
Originally posted by: FallenHero
where is that option? I cant seem to find it.
Sorry if the question seems stupid, im new to paypal.
Originally posted by: scorp00
Originally posted by: FallenHero
where is that option? I cant seem to find it.
Sorry if the question seems stupid, im new to paypal.
Top middle of the screen, next to overview. "Add Funds" button.![]()
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Originally posted by: scorp00
Originally posted by: FallenHero
where is that option? I cant seem to find it.
Sorry if the question seems stupid, im new to paypal.
Top middle of the screen, next to overview. "Add Funds" button.![]()
i r teh st00pid