Question about Paxil and SSRIs in general


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
I didn't know it until recently but after being dropped from school after getting below a 1.0 gpa for 2 semesters(cumulative was something like 0.7x), I decided someone like me can't attribute that to just laziness (I usually get tested out in the top 1-5 percentile in standardized tests). Then I realized my "not eating or at most eating 1 meal a day thing" was probably anorexia, my weight loss(10% body weight) even though I spent 16-20hours in bed per day from the anorexia, as well as the lethargy, probably wasn't normal and my whole living life like a zombie, going through the motions of a day to get to the next also wasn't healthy.

Long story short, I went to see a therapist and he diagnosed me with Melancholic Depression and I started Paxil(25mg Paxil CR) yesterday(1 dose yesterday at about noon, 1 dose this morning) and I'm already experiencing the effects.

I feel more "alive", less lethargic, more emotionally aware. On the flip side, the sexual side effects have also manifested. I did read up on it and everything says the effects should be delayed and I wouldn't feel really anything for a while so is this just in my mind, sort of the placebo effect or can it really start affecting me so quickly? Can I expect other positive or negative effects?

How quickly can Paxil or other SSRIs take effect? 1 day?

Any other positive or negative effects you've experienced? How does the medication's effects evolve as you reach the 4 weeks or whatever it takes to fully manifest?


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2007
You are NOT experiencing the effects, they're psychosomatic.

All SSRI's take a few weeks to build up in your system.


Jan 12, 2005
I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure you don't feel any difference after one dose of SSRI's... maybe Paxil is different? If not you are probably just having a pacebo effect. Also, you are like me... I was always acing tests, but too lazy/unorgainized to do labs, homework, etc. I just figured I didn't like formal education, it just didn't work well with me. Truth is, I'm just lazy. :) Though I'm definitely more of a hands on person. Also, you don't sound anorexic to me, but I'm not a doctor and I don't know anything about your eating habits. I honestly believe most people who are on SSRI's don't need them. Just my non-doctor $.02.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: SillyOReilly
You are NOT experiencing the effects, they're psychosomatic.

All SSRI's take a few weeks to build up in your system.

QFT and that was also not anorexia you were describing.

I am curious the standarized test thing....did you just get lucky on an SAT or something.



Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: SillyOReilly
You are NOT experiencing the effects, they're psychosomatic.

All SSRI's take a few weeks to build up in your system.

QFT and that was also not anorexia you were describing.

I am curious the standarized test thing....did you just get lucky on an SAT or something.

Yeah, thats more or less what I thought, the excitation transfer from finally starting treatment is kicking in and not the medication itself.

Well I wasn't doing anything but lying in bed for 16-20 hours a day and I was afraid i was going t get fat and gain the freshman 15, there's a battery of other symptoms and explanations I won't go into about everything, but just know I was miserable.

As for the testing, I'm by no means "dumb", I tested 760math and 720 english, but on pratice tests, I've gotten as high as 800 english and 780math. Throughout my history, I've always tested extremely well, when I took the ASVAB, the recruiter was visibly surprised (he said "wow") at my score and actually called over to the others in the office about my score. Everyone tells me I wasting a lot of potential.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2003
Generally, SSRI's take a couple weeks at least to really affect neurochemistry.

Good luck, it's always nice to hear about someone getting better.


Jan 8, 2002
I really think you're feeling the placebo affect. SSRI medication takes quite some time to build up in your system and start to work properly.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Analog
Perhaps you should read this:

Thanks, I did read that a couple of days ago and it is a bit scary, but anything is better than a case of full blown depression. It's like being crippled mentally and physically. Learning to live through the day and being productive again without feeling like life isn't worth living is is far more important to me than the opiate like withdrawl symptoms and any/all side effects. Living for the most part normally like any other person>not living at all.

Also, once I'm cleared, I'll be able to be cleared medically and allowed back in school which is something I look forward to.


Jan 7, 2002
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Originally posted by: Analog
Perhaps you should read this:

Thanks, I did read that a couple of days ago and it is a bit scary, but anything is better than a case of full blown depression. It's like being crippled mentally and physically. Learning to live through the day and being productive again without feeling like life isn't worth living is is far more important to me than the opiate like withdrawl symptoms and any/all side effects. Living for the most part normally like any other person>not living at all.

Also, once I'm cleared, I'll be able to be cleared medically and allowed back in school which is something I look forward to.

I guess the point is that perhaps other SSRI might be better than vitamin-P.