question about network naming conventions


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2000
does it say anywhere that the naming conventions for network resources should be disguised??

what i mean is...i know it is easier to name things so that they are easy to identify....LAPDC01 (los angeles, PDC, #1) but is this safe from a security perspective??

will this method give hackers an easier time finding vital network resources as opposed to naming it morpheus01??

thanks for the input!!


Golden Member
Nov 16, 1999
Naming conventions are pretty much varied depending on the administrators who start them. I used to work at a hospital who had all their servers named after disney characters. Donald was the primary server. Huey, Dewy, and Louie were all application servers.

There are really no standards you have to follow. If you are doing this for a company, you should make a standard and stick with it. If you are doing it for your home, the only person you have to worry about making happy is yourself.

As for worrying about hackers, I wouldn't worry about it if you have ample security set up on your network, such as a firewall and router for instance. If they get in your system, it won't matter what you name your devices because they will find them.


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2000
i agree...with the proper security setup, a naming convention wont matter....where i'm coming from is that i want to make it one step harder just incase they do get in.

i wonder if there are any best practices on this??

btw, thank for the input!!! :)


Golden Member
Nov 16, 1999
There is really no way to make a naming convention harder to deter hackers. Hackers will find the names of your devices because most all devices broadcast on TCP/IP anyway. If they get in your network, they will find your devices.

Your best bet, as I said, is to secure your network.

Make the naming convention easy to remember but also corporate friendly if you do it for a company.


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2000
yeah i guess u are correct....that little bump in the road that i thought it would create would probably only be the size of a pebble.

anyone know if there are any white papers or best practices on this kind of stuff??