Question about HDTV, 1080i, etc.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2003
Hi, I've been a longtime lurker here, but just now created a login for the forums. I recently purchased a 32" Samsung HDTV. I've been waiting for a good deal on progressive scan DVD player, so until then, I've been using my XBox. From what I understand, it is progressive scan. I purchased the Microsoft HDTV pack, and am using said component cables with my TV. Granted, movies and video games look a lot better with the new component cables, however, when I watch a DVD, the preference of 480p, 720p, or 1080i does not seem to make even the slightest difference. I've heard of people talking about this massive difference, and I just don't see it. I've had two friends also look, and they don't see the detail difference either. What am I doing wrong? I'll admit I don't know much about this stuff, but even after mucking about on Google, I found a few other forums where people posted similar thoughts. Currently, the XBox is going into Component 1, the PS2 is going into Component 2, and a GameCube is jacked into the S-Video port.


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2001
dvds are 480....tops. Increasing the settings won't make them hd.

I think the 'massive difference' people talk about is when viewing a hdtv source, like through the air, or cable, or dish. Real 1080i or 720p sources.

you need a hdtv tuner if your set doesn't have one built in to receive over the air signals. Some cable companies offer hdtv, and will supply the needed cable box (for extra fees).



Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
The XBox only outputs interlaced DVD through the component jacks.

You'll have to buy a progressive player if that's what you want. Pick up a Faraoudja DCDi based player if you want the best quality, Beleive me, it makes a difference.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2003
Thanks for the help, guys. Yeah, I still need to get an HDTV receiver, been looking around and reading reviews. Even without one, I've found that when ESPN2 broadcasts the prime time NFL games... WOW big difference. Everything is so much clearer, colors are brighter, etc. I've also been looking to get a progressive scan DVD player so I don't have to use the XBox anymore; after lurking around on here and a few other places, everyone seems to recommend Apex. Going to check into this Faraoudja brand. I'll probably just look into renting an HDTV cable box from Comcast for now.