Hi, I've been a longtime lurker here, but just now created a login for the forums. I recently purchased a 32" Samsung HDTV. I've been waiting for a good deal on progressive scan DVD player, so until then, I've been using my XBox. From what I understand, it is progressive scan. I purchased the Microsoft HDTV pack, and am using said component cables with my TV. Granted, movies and video games look a lot better with the new component cables, however, when I watch a DVD, the preference of 480p, 720p, or 1080i does not seem to make even the slightest difference. I've heard of people talking about this massive difference, and I just don't see it. I've had two friends also look, and they don't see the detail difference either. What am I doing wrong? I'll admit I don't know much about this stuff, but even after mucking about on Google, I found a few other forums where people posted similar thoughts. Currently, the XBox is going into Component 1, the PS2 is going into Component 2, and a GameCube is jacked into the S-Video port.