Are these the correct strategies for America? A strong military has been instrumental in American global power, maintaining the security of trade, etc. This directly affects the standard of living of even the most peacenik liberal.
Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you." And when I see a lazy poor person, I think, WWJD? And I realize that all the government aid in the world will not help many people. Their improvement must come from within. I hope that in a Democratic Party shortsighted spending spree, other national priorities are left neglected.
Furthermore, is the US slowly conceding power to China? Is China the kind of power Democrats want dictating world affairs? The world suffered for 50 years under the yoke of authoritarians. And for all the whining our forum left wingers make about the CIA and oligarchical capitalists, the US has generally been the world power the most on the side of democratic ideals, especially compared to Russia and China. Europe has been good lately, but they were terrible colonial masters in the past.
Word on Capitol Hill is that the Quadrennial Defense Review should result in the demise of two Navy carrier groups and the Marines Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle. On top of that, the Joint Strike Fighter program is likely to lose a so-​​far uncertain number of planes and the Air Force looks to lose two air wings.
The larger strategy debate would seem to embrace such cuts, or at least make them easier to propose. Gen. Hoss Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in July that the venerable two major theater war strategy was dead.
Are these the correct strategies for America? A strong military has been instrumental in American global power, maintaining the security of trade, etc. This directly affects the standard of living of even the most peacenik liberal.
Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you." And when I see a lazy poor person, I think, WWJD? And I realize that all the government aid in the world will not help many people. Their improvement must come from within. I hope that in a Democratic Party shortsighted spending spree, other national priorities are left neglected.
Furthermore, is the US slowly conceding power to China? Is China the kind of power Democrats want dictating world affairs? The world suffered for 50 years under the yoke of authoritarians. And for all the whining our forum left wingers make about the CIA and oligarchical capitalists, the US has generally been the world power the most on the side of democratic ideals, especially compared to Russia and China. Europe has been good lately, but they were terrible colonial masters in the past.