PSA: Jolt gum is @ss nasty!

Jun 19, 2004
So I'm at a store the other day and what do I see at the register? A nice eye catching display of a cardboard box dispenser that is stocked full of green packs of "Jolt Cola Gum"!

"Funny.", I say to myself. "I don't remember the color green being associated with Jolt cola, but I can overlook this minor infraction.".

The claim on the pretty packaging is that "Two pieces of Jolt gum equal one cup of coffee!".....I figure, "How can I go wrong? Right?". I mean come on, who doesn't have a childhood story of a Jolt cola fueled misdemeanor. Ahhh.....the memories came flooding back.

I took this as a sign that God wanted me to forget my current adult worries and relive my carefree days of youth, so I purchased a pack. Back in the car I hurriedly opened the pack, so excited I dropped a piece between the console and the seat! Not to worry though, I had many more pieces of Jolt Cola coma inducing gum in my hands.

I finally mustered the ability to get a peice from the pack to my mouth when utter disappointment set in. It tasted of failure. I continued chewing though, hoping a caffine fueled buzz could help overcome it's horrid taste.

Five minutes into chewing I spat the vile concoction out the window and cursed the man who created this atrocity that tarnished my fond childhood memories!

Shame on you Jolt Cola.....shame on you indeed!

A$$ Gum
Jun 19, 2004
Originally posted by: FoBoT
i tried that nicotine gum once, it was nasty

That's almost what it tasted like.

I tricked my son into chewing a piece just to make sure adulthood didn't have me being biased.

He spit it out and shot me a look of disgust while saying "DADDD! Why didn't you tell me?!"......I merely laughed at his suffering.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
Originally posted by: FoBoT
i tried that nicotine gum once, it was nasty

That's almost what it tasted like.

I tricked my son into chewing a piece just to make sure adulthood didn't have me being biased.

He spit it out and shot me a look of disgust while saying "DADDD! Why didn't you tell me?!"......I merely laughed at his suffering.

awesome, you are a good father. just don't let him destroy you


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2005
That's actually exactly how me and my friends describe it. What does it tastes like? A wannabe Winterfresh stuck up an ass. It tastes like ass. And your breath smells like ****** afterwords too.