PSA: Clean up your damn trash


Sep 11, 2005
If any of you remember, I work a part time job at a local amusement park to earn some money during the summer when I'm not in school. Today's job involved cleaning up the large parking lot. You would not believe the sh1t that people leave on the ground. Shoeboxes, plates of food, napkins, and a ridiculous amount of dirty diapers. All left for the employees o clean up. Then, while I'm walking around in the 95* heat picking up the guests' damn trash, they have the balls to roll down their windows as they're driving out and ask if they can dump their trash in it. No, you lazy fvcks, why don't you get your fat asses out of your cars and throw away your Dunkin Donuts boxes and other various crap. You could also go pick up the dirty diapers and the water bottles I just saw you leave behind someone else's car while you're at it. Agh... /rant and PSA


Sep 11, 2005
Originally posted by: laurenlex
Quit bltching and get a real job, trash boy.

*** sidenote*** Americans must learn to recycle.

You know, I would get a real job, but since you didn't read my post obviously, I'll say it again. I'm a STUDENT still in HIGH SCHOOL which means that I can only have a part-time job, and this happens to be a decent, easy job with the exception of today's duties.



Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Don't like the job? Find a new one. Your job exists because people are careless with their trash.

Edited: sorry, my original comment was far too harsh. I'm in a bad mood and I took it out on you for no reason.


Apr 30, 2004
Yeah, I HATE people who just throw their trash anywhere. You probably should have let them use your bag,though, since you know they just dumped it on the ground a few yards down the road...


Sep 11, 2005
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Don't like the job? Find a new one. Your job exists because people are careless with their trash, so stop being an ungrateful prick.

I'm an ungrateful prick, am I? I'm not complaining because I don't like the job. I never said that anywhere in my post. My rant was simply about how people are total slobs. I'm not complaining about the job because it does give me money, and AGAIN, it's a good job.


Sep 11, 2005
Originally posted by: jagec
Yeah, I HATE people who just throw their trash anywhere. You probably should have let them use your bag,though, since you know they just dumped it on the ground a few yards down the road...

Well I do let them throw away their trash... I don't want to say no, because I'll just wind up picking it up off the ground later on somewhere else anyhow.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Xanis
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Don't like the job? Find a new one. Your job exists because people are careless with their trash, so stop being an ungrateful prick.

I'm an ungrateful prick, am I? I'm not complaining because I don't like the job. I never said that anywhere in my post. My rant was simply about how people are total slobs. I'm not complaining about the job because it does give me money, and AGAIN, it's a good job.

Edited my post, my apologies.


Sep 11, 2005
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Originally posted by: Xanis
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Don't like the job? Find a new one. Your job exists because people are careless with their trash, so stop being an ungrateful prick.

I'm an ungrateful prick, am I? I'm not complaining because I don't like the job. I never said that anywhere in my post. My rant was simply about how people are total slobs. I'm not complaining about the job because it does give me money, and AGAIN, it's a good job.

Edited my post, my apologies.

It's ben a long day for all of us I suppose.... :p No worries.


Apr 11, 2004
I cant stand people who litter and dont pick up after themselves. Especially the d1ckheads at movie theaters, concerts, and sporting events.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2004
1. I am glad you have a job and are not a useless whiner.

2. I despise litterers.

3. I therefore edit my post, and place the blame on the white trash @sshole losers of the world.

Sorry for flaming you.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2005
People are incredibly lazy, but will get inventive about hiding their mess that they don't want to clean up. I've found plates kicked under display tables with half eaten food on them, and cups hidden behind product on shelves when I was working retail in the mall. People would do these things instead of asking to toss it in our garbage bin, or fiding one of the many out in the main part of the mall.

I feel your pain OP. Eugh diapers :( That have been rotting in the sun.... Nasty


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2006
Originally posted by: MX2times
I cant stand people who litter and dont pick up after themselves. Especially the d1ckheads at movie theaters, concerts, and sporting events.

If my popcorn and drink each costs $5, I feel the price includes someone else cleaning up afterwards. Call me a d1ckhead if you will, I don't care. :p

In general though, I agree and hate litterbugs. I'm a mountain biker, and I nearly always come home with a pocket full of trash other people have left on the trails.
Dec 10, 2005
People that can't walk to a freakin' trash can have serious problems. There is never an excuse for littering.

On a side-note: I work in a grocery store so I also see first hand how disgusting some people are (for all those that would say get a real job: this is a part time job I've had throughout my high school years and I'll be leaving the job soon anyway as I'm going off to college.). As a cashier (and doing other stuff at times). The customers leave circulars in the cards, tons of produce bags, other trash.... never throw any of their stuff out. If they do need something thrown out while they are getting checked out, they usually ask the cashier if they have a garbage, when there are plenty of clearly visible, metal garbages standing just feet away from the registers. The garbage they hand to the cashiers tend to be pretty disgusting, like towels that they used to wipe their noses or groceries down with.