ps3 skipping on some discs


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
my ps3 skips at specific parts on some bluray discs (netflix related, the few blurays i've purchased have NOT had this issue). I recently got software for bluray playback on pc (since the default software that came with the drive didn't support win 7 64 bit...) so...
When watching 500 days of summer on bluray, it started skipping, and skipped a few times about 13 to 18 minutes into the movie. When I played the disc on my pc (which has a bluray disc drive) it plays smoothly but has minor artifacts in only 1 part (of the few spots) where it normally skips.
cleaning the disc did not fix the issue (in a few cases cleaning did fix skipping, but the majority of cases it does not)

should i send my ps3 in to get its drive replaced? it's out of warranty by now probably....

i've seen issues similar to this all over the internet, but everyone always says its a disc problem. It most likely IS a disc problem, but nevertheless the ps3 seems to be less capable of handling disc errors than other bluray drives.

is there perhaps some settings or something that fixes this? are some ps3 drives more prone to skipping than others? This is getting seriously annoying, to the poiint that my sister doesn't want to borrow blurays anymore... perhaps if playon supports bluray streaming or maybe when i build another few computers i'll just forgo using the ps3 for bluray playback at all....

//semi-rant: the ps3 seems to suck at being the home theatre machine Sony claims: no ogg & various other important audio/video file support, inability to play streamed music from other computers without chopping (unless an audio quality setting is disabled, its not even a network issue as videos with much higher bitrate don't have issues streaming), about the only thing that works as expected is gaming, although a lot of games do have minor choppy bits and there's no antialiasing support which is a serious problem in many ps3 games
also, some discs refuse to play at all unless a setting is changed for bluray live//
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Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
I've only had netflix blurays skip on my PS3...I stopped my netflix service, so I haven't had that problem in a while.


Jun 9, 2007
I have had the skipping and failing to track problem happen twice on my PS3, both times I had to have the BD replaced. First time was under warranty, second time was not.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
I have had the skipping and failing to track problem happen twice on my PS3, both times I had to have the BD replaced. First time was under warranty, second time was not.

so did the BD replacement work (for the disc that skipped) or did you not test it? and how much was it to replace out of warranty? it doesn't seem like it would be very cheap :(
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Jun 9, 2007
so did the BD replacement work (for the disc that skipped) or did you not test it? and how much was it to replace out of warranty? it doesn't seem like it would be very cheap :(

Yes, both replacements worked - for a while anyway. The first failure was similar to yours were the drive would not track correctly. The second failure the motor completely stopped working.

If I recall, it was around $120 for the out of warranty replacement. It was about 3 years ago, so I don't remember exactly.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
thanks for the input. i guess my ps3 bluray drive is just faulty then, and sony doesn't use reliable parts i guess...
all the sony getting hacked, and storing unencrypted passwords and stuff like this just kinda puts me off getting anything else sony :(