PS2 Video lag on PCI TV card?


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
The situation.. PS2 when hooked up to the TV PCI card with a non AIW video AGP card the PS2 controller activity lags the video.. for instance.. If I hit a button to jump or shoot the affect lags the activity on the screen by a short time but enough to be frustrating...(I push button but it takes a bit for the action to occur) If I put a AIW video card in (with less video ram than the non AIW video card) and hook the PS2 to this AIW Video AGP card the action is in sync... that is ... I hit the PS2 Controller button and the effect is immediate...

Is there some way to increase the speed of the PCI tv card's response to the controller button commands?

Does this make sense?

The MB is Asus P4T 500 mb Rdram with Asus 8200 64 MB AGP Video and Creative Digital VCR PCI card.... if I swap the Asus 8200 out and install a Asus 7100 AIW it works fine... The Play Station 2 that is.

Edit: I should add ... this makes no sense to me... the controller is part of the PS2 and how it lags only when connected to a PCI card tuner is beyond me... it should make no difference the signal to the computer should just be video and sound... unless skience has created an understanding of preference... for PS2 beyond my grasp..