Property Ladder


Senior member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: MikeyIs4Dcats
I want to stab the morons in the face because despite being stupid and inept, they STILL make money.

Me too. There was one about a girl who worked as a bartender. She fixed up a condo and did shoddy work all throughout the house and made decent money. I feel bad for the person who purchased that place.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
The show is entertaining, but as mentioned above it can be quite misleading. Those houses tend to be in areas where housing prices are sky high. But in most of the US, if you buy a $100k house in a city where the average house is $125k, put $50k into it, you aren't going to get a $50k profit. No, you'll get a major loss.

The show also neglects to include major costs. For example, the screen will show a large profit number while the announcer states that that profit doesn't include realtor fees (thousands or tens of thousands of dollars) or bank closing fees (thousands of dollars).