Proper Way to Install Video Card Drivers


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
In a recent thread I posted how to install drivers, the proper way using Driver Cleaner Pro and rebooting and all that good stuff :)

(also at the bottom of the page there are some useful tools and links)

That basically inspired me to create a new thread to spread the word and hopefully stop people from asking a redundant question that need only be answered once :p, cause I'm sick of putting the steps down when it's acutally in the Readme of Driver Cleaner Pro

First, this little guide applies to both ATI and Nvidia users. Just to get that out of the way.

Second, whether your an ATI user or a Nvidia user, Tweaked Drivers are almost always better than the stock drivers. I (personally) seem to see a lot more talk of tweaked Nvidia Drivers, then I do tweaked ATI Catalyst drivers. Maby it's just me since I have an Nvidia card, but thats the way it seems.

Tweaks R Us has tweaked drivers for both Nvidia and ATI that often have superior IQ and Performance to the stock driver. It's definitly worth looking at if you have an Nvidia Card. I can't say the same about their WarCat drivers cause I've never used them. Anyone had any experince with them I'll be glad to edit this with that info.

Latest Drivers at time of writing (5/1/06):
ATI- Catalyst 6.4
Nvidia- 84.56 (Beta?)
(from personal experience, the XG Tweaked drivers (Nvidia) can sometimes be worlds of difference)

Now for the actually Guide to Installing these newfound drivers:
Step 1) Uninstall the old drivers (video card) from the device manager. You also might want to delete the folder you extracted the drivers too.

2.) Reboot into Safe Mode (safe mode is key here as it doens't work in regular windows), also hit cancel to any of those "Install Driver" notifications that pop up.

3.) Run Driver Cleaner Pro using the appropriate settings. (ATI or Nvidia depending on the graphics card)
3a.) The Readme says to run CabCleaner too, but there's never anything there so you can just skip this I guess)

4.) Reboot into regular Windows. Hit cancel to any "Install Driver" things that pop up.

5.) Install the appropriate driver (ATI or Nvidia) and Reboot (yes, another reboot :p)

6.) Now, there's no more rebooting unless your installing something else, but now you basically tweak the driver to whatever settings you like or use. (AA, AF, Res., Refresh Rate, etc.)

SO, now in three reboots (instead of 2) you uninstalled and reinstalled your drivers the "proper" way to avoid problems and conflicts between driver versions (this seems more evident in the XG Tweaked drivers if you don't use Driver Cleaner Pro).

Hurray, and Congrats. That is the "proper" way to uninstall and install new drivers. :)

Useful Websites and Tools:
-ATI Homepage
-Nvidia Homepage
-Tweaks R Us (both Nvidia and ATI)
-Omega Drivers (mainly ATI)
-Driver Cleaner Homepage

(also, any suggestions are welcome)


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
I think I remember you pointing out the Safe Mode trick to me a while back in another thread. Thanks for the guide though for those who didn't know this already.:)


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2002
one would imagine... I know whenever I want to update drivers I follow the above steps... It's nice having them right there in front of you.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Good to know! This will save a lot of time.... Thanks!

I can appreciate your comment about booting into 'safe mode'. I used to do this in the Win98SE days, especially when working on other ppl's machines. When you looked at the devices, you'd find 10 floppy drives listed, 9 hard drives, 8 modems, 7 sound cards, 6 video cards, 5 monitors, yada, yada, yada... cleaning all this junk out and letting Windows find them made a big difference!

Anyway, thanks again! This will be a great resource! I'm glad they 'stickified' it...

*EDIT* Er... they did sticky this, didn't they? :)


Senior member
Sep 30, 2005
nice little guide for all us noobs! :D


-even though i have bookmarked it...!


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
I no wait..third...uh, no (to self: one, two three, four stickies.........ah hell).

I vote sticky too.:)